    Do you drink beer? What's your favorite?

    +4  Views: 940 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    Number one is FREE beer, Number two is CHEAP-that's Bud Ice where I am.......

    Nope....never have liked the taste of it....any kind or brand.    (Yuk)

    Tennents Lager, good Scottish stuff.


    Tennents known in my neck of the woods as LOOPY JUICE.

    Tennents SUPER is the "loopy juice"
    too strong for me.

    I stand corrected and you are so right SUPER it is.

    I've been know to have a beer on occasion..SAM ADAMS.

    WOW a question i CAN relate to ,the answer is yes, favourite beer is Carling, or any make that i aquired FREE.



    never heard of carling, where do you find it?
    what's your "free" secret?

    vaIR you must have heard of the escuse, l have come out without my wallet (again).
    Carling is a beer brewed in England.

    Granville Island Pale Ale or Honey Lager... but that is only when I am on a mini-vacation and I have injested enough enzymes and probiotics... Sigh!!!

    I should live in a bubble!!!

    It is so sad it's funny. :D

    i did drink beer at one time. Lite or Coors Lite. Taped beer is the best.

    How I wish I could have a           Root Beer,          only had it in States, not sold in Ireland, sob, sob.


    It is sold in Canada as well... I wish it wasn't sooooo expensive to mail things your way... dang!

    It is sold in Canada as well... I wish it wasn't sooooo expensive to mail things your way... dang!

    It is sold in Canada as well... I wish it wasn't sooooo expensive to mail things your way... dang!
    The two click happened again. I don't think they let you mail a can of Rootbeer. It would probably explode on the way.

    Fishlet, thank you for your kind though. x

    Busch......made by Anheiser Busch

    Use to drink Pabst blue ribbon in my younger days.. Still like it but I find that the diet beers go better in the morning, been drinking Miller Lite for quite a few years now..

    Pure Blonde, a non bitter full strenght beer.

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