    How to clean LCD Screen

    +1  Views: 524 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Courtesy Tim FIsher, PC support guide : on the web..

    Time Required: Cleaning a flat screen (LCD, LED, or plasma) monitor usually takes less than 5 minutes

    Here's How:

    Turn off the monitor. If the screen is dark, it will be easier to see the areas that are dirty or oily.

    Use a dry, soft cloth and very gently wipe the screen. A great choice would be the microfiber type of cloth used to clean eyeglasses.

    See Tip #1 below for kinds of cloths to avoid.

    If the dry cloth did not completely remove the dirt or oil, do not press harder in an attempt to scrub it off.

    Pushing directly on the screen can often cause pixels to burn out.

    If necessary, dampen the cloth with distilled water or with an equal ratio of distilled water to white vinegar.

    Many companies also sell small spray bottles of special cleaner for flat screen monitors but the vinegar mixture is usually just as effective.

    See Tip #2 below for products to avoid.

    The plastic edge that surrounds the screen can be cleaned with any multipurpose cleaner but take care to avoid contact with the screen itself.


    Avoid using paper towels, toilet paper, tissue paper, or something like your shirt to wipe the screen. These non-ultrasoft materials can scratch the display.

    Avoid cleaning products that contain ammonia, ethyl alcohol, acetone, toluene, ethyl acid, or methyl chloride. These chemicals can react with the materials that the flat screen is made of which could yellow the screen or cause other kinds of damage.

    Never spray liquid directly on an LED, LCD, or plasma screen. It could run inside the monitor and cause damage.


    You are most welcome :). And more of it is on the web. Just type in what you want to know. Can spend hours doing some research on other stuff as well :).

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