    A guy from the gym wanted to accompany me up the car, so I said: "I am fine thank you!" I know this was not the most polite answer to a gentleman question. I want to know what I should to answer if I do not want the company of the person, and yet do not want to be rude and say no. I do not know how I say in English, the correct and polite answer!

    +1  Views: 524 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    "Thank you for your  offer, but I'm fine"  or "...I can manage."   Your answer was not a bad one, just casual.  :-)


    Hello Michmar118,

    from now, I will to say: "I can manage, thanks!"

    Thanks! =)

    Many Spas and Gyms offer to walk their patrons to their cars in an effort to dissuade would-be attackers.If you would prefer to go to your vehicle alone then your response of "No,thank you" is appropriate.You could check the policy of your Gym to be sure that his intent was genuine.Personally I like to be escorted to my vehicle at night by or beast!!(I mean yard dogs!!).Peace.

    As a man I would have no problem with your response . It was proper and polite and in good taste . In these situations  I would advise CAUTION< CAUTION <CAUTION !!!!!!!!!  You were 100% correct ,and today you are safe at home . Always a good choice !!!!!             Bill

    Thanks, I am glad that I was not rude! =)

    That answer is correct. He might have been a rapist, who knows. There are a lot of strange ones around. They all seem nice until you get alone with them.


    HMMMMMMMMMMMMM Queers as you call them by definition want nothing to do with women . So I fail to understand this unless its a cross the pond word I am taking out of context. Perhaps you will explain . Bill

    The word queers in Australia means strang people not gays. We use it for gays too sometimes, but rarely.

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