
    How can you describe the meaning of (blood) family to  1. Your children,  and  2. Your cheating spouse

    +2  Views: 941 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    1.  Depends on how old the children are, because if they are aware of the reproduction process, they will be better able to grasp the concept.  Otherwise, you could say that family are Moms and Dads and kids who have the exact same Moms and Dads.  You don't have to get too much more specific about it.  
    2.  Your cheating spouse knows the meaning of "family/blood" and doesn't really care.  What the heck are you doing still horsing around with this problem and marriage.  Why aren't you in the middle of a nasty divorce.  I don't know you personally, but very few people DESERVE a cheating spouse.  


    The question isn't for me Bob, wife and I are solid. But I KNOW by reading Q's & A's here at Q&A others could benefit now, if they are reading the personal feelings of our membership on this subject. Also, I help friends of friends and family through divorce or help them to reconcile. The more varied the information and opinions I gather on this subject the more we can help the differing situations.
    When I say the word family I'm refering to the family 'unit' as in what words can I use to describe a family unit to others.
    Such as, your blood is from my blood and your body is from my body, we are forever attached to each other. Too Much? I could use more descriptions with this kind of depth.
    I might be asking for something this site doesn't want to elaborate on or get too involved in. Had to ask though.


    I remember a question about a wife having a warm relationship with a man in the marital bed. Wasn't that yours? If not, my very sincere apologies.
    Please edit my comments to make them fit your friend's situation regarding part 2. As for part 1, your sentiments are beautiful, but I think too advanced for children. You know their maturity level. I know you will make the right choices.

    No that wasn't me Bob. And I'm happy about that!
    Back to you later.

    I really don't know what to say.  Can we ask Hank?


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