    Spring Cleaning... Where to start?

    I have been up and down stairs all week starting in one area then zipping to another.  Putting this away and cleaning that.  It is now week two and I feel as if I am loosing my mind!

    What is your approach?

    +8  Views: 1207 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    No one is taking this question seriously. I need a professional.

    What this calls for is loud head-banging music!!!!! The kind you sing really loud too as you dance around!!!!!!!! Then pick the room you REALLY want to be cleaned. Just 1 room for now. Get a box for papers and a bag for trash...and another for re-cyclables. Go to IT tom. and Friday!
    Have your husband finish your son's room and the fence...since they are both almost done he may be motivated after he finishes them to do another 45% on your bedroom and bathroom before he gets to the garden...which I will assume will take him the entire summer to do 1/2.

    Dont get rid of your sister's stuff until you are ready. You will regret it. I will but you Pez candy and then you can use the dispensors!!!!!!!!!!

    Pearl Jam way up load and 500 Pez dispensers to find homes for. She had everything Pez.... crazy!

    13 Answers

    Your butler, gardener and chauffeur might help you if you ask them politely. 



    Now, this is the answer!

    I just keep losing my mind, never remember where I,ve dusted it to.

    I think it might be in the bathroom now, at least it,s clean I suppose.

    I usually start at the roof with a power washer and work my way down, I live on the top floor so it,s always something for the neighbours below to moan about, crabbit b******s.

    My secret is, don,t move the ornaments, if you do you,ll reveal copious amounts of dust, but one good power wash per year clears all this until the next year in my opinion, it takes a while to dry but if you leave your windows open for a few months it,s not a big problem, sometimes I even do my laundry in the same year, if I  can be bothered of course, mainly I,m a bi,annual laundry guy, wash when the Fleas start to complain about the smell, if you know what I mean?

    Hope this helps, would appreciate your feedback.



    This is of no help at all. You have described how I take care of my vehicles... sort of. I need real help here.... I am drowing in a sea of renovation-spring cleaning hell!

    Are you still having internet problems?

    The internet is under water?
    Our weather is severe and it has been glitchy all day.

    If you take care of your vehicles the way I take care of my home they should be bloody spotless, for a day or two at least.

    The only thing that I will admit to is... if you were stranded in one of my vehicles you could keep yourself entertained for at least one week... I also keep water on board so survival is a given.

    Nothing to eat then?

    Dear Romos, I expect to be in your area in Early August to redeem my many rainchecks. Please think accordingly and power wash and de-louse your house and yourself so that all is dry by my arrival. I am not allergic to dust but clean sheets are a must. Also, I'd like you to get a dog. A big bloak- named Al. Thank you in advance, The Doo

    Roni is a great name!

    Girl dogs are nicer!

    Heck...get a girl and a boy dog! That should make your neighbors downstairs happy! (LOL)

    Well, you may surprise me...In August, when I arrive. Doo loves dogs!!!!!!

    cleaning is a 4 letter word in my house- LOL!


    Broom..oops that's five letters.

    This does not help me in any way... Help! I am sitting under a pile of Ceramics Monthly magazines and I don't know what to do!

    I get a severe case of ADHD when I clean!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Doo... this is my problem too. Oh I have something else to doo!!! I am cleaning impaired.

    Is ADHD a 4 letter word?
    Or cleaning is just a pure c...
    Crappy job?

    Doo I have to name it Al?
    I normally name my dogs ending in"i" or "y".
    Planned on Roni for the next member of my family. mixture of my last two beauties.

    Works both ways, not sure what I,m getting yet.

    I tend to agree, but my favourite was my "old man" never let me down, and his name never ended in i or y.
    Memories eh?

    Last two I lost in 2009,mother and daughter,
    one is enough.


    Spring Cleaning

    For me it's the office or so called office the computer and the entire room is littered with winter solace..


    I know how you feel. I am planning to redecorate ours and at the moment it is in bits and pieces ... here , there and every shere. I am overwhelmed.

    The broom was a vehicle given to me by my X !!!!!!!!! Now where is that pointy hat? and my cat?

    At this point redecorating is pointless , perhaps a bulldoser is not.

    We bought this house as a hobby for my husband. I didn't know at the time that he never ever ever completes a single solitary project... ever.
    Our fence (Which is an amazing Craftsman style work of art) is 90% complete. My son's room is 95% complete. Our bathroom, master bedroom project is 45% complete. Our vegetable garden project was 60% complete but now needs to be changed (He has a new and improved idea), so it is 9% complete. I am loosing it. I just want a clean and neat house. I need help in real life.... just like the people we help.

    Clean a house like you clean every thing, start at top and work towards ground floor, one room at a time, EASY PEASY.


    That,s what I said!

    Well shows i aint the only one had to clean a house at sometime.

    I said one room at a time, too .
    My mom used to deep clean all year round . I'll never be 1/2 the women she was...wish I could.

    I start on the outside. Clean up the winter leaves, re-pot plants, clean out the elephant ears. If it looks nice walking up, then it's more encouraging to clean up the inside.....

    Fishlet, I wish you all the luck in the world,   I am so sorry your sister  has passed away,  I  know how hard it is to let go,  I have lost both parents,  my mother only 4 years ago, (seems like yesterday does'nt it?).   The things your sister willed to you,  hold on tight to them until you are ready to decide what you want to do,  you will know when,  for me it felt like letting go of a breath I did'nt know I was holding.  And I have only touched the tip of the ice-berg,  but thats O.K,  one step at a time, dont tell your-self off,  just thinking about it,  is the first step,  and now you have taken a second step,  by simply asking,  and you  are on your way to a third step by seeking help.  Good for you Fishlet.   And now how about a  Chinese proverb??  (I'm afraid I have a weakness for these!)  - here goes  -  "eat a frog for brekfast,  and IF there are two,  eat the ugliest one first!"   Meaning of course, get the unpleasant part of your day out of the way first,  but you worked that one out.  Good luck Fishlet, keep on keeping on. x

    It sounds like you have a problem hoarders have (& I speak from personal experience! ), I think they call it a rotating shuffle,  where by you go in a room,  see a pile,  feel overwhelmed,  pick something up, put it down,  pick something else up,  put it down,  do this for a while, feel your getting nowhere, give up.  I find it best to pick one room,  just one,  start in a corner, (does not matter which one) pick something up and deal with it,  do not be tempted to put it down,  if its junk take it out and throw it away,  if can be re-cycled do it,    when the corner is clear move either right or left  and deal with stuff as you go.  Do not allow yourself to wander off,   make sure you take a break after 20 mins, for 40 mins.   Now this sounds like you wont get much done,  but you will be amazed how stuff goes.  As for cleaning,  when you have one room tidy,  dust,  sweep,  polish  -  done! 


    What I have is a one hundred year old house with no closet space and a house that is in the middle of renovation.
    I donate items as if there is no tomorrow... to the diabetes foundation, big brothers and something else that is new. I pack up boxes of items, label them and have them on the porch by 8 am.
    What I truly have left is a house filled with original art and my son's toys... Items my husband won't throw away and a lot of things that were willed to me by my sister (who passed away two and a half years ago at the age of 45), that I actually am having a very difficult time letting go of.
    Your advise is good but now that I have read the answers, I truly think I need professional help.
    Wish me luck... and when I have a handle on it I will definitely do it your way.

    I have tried the Windex hose end sprayer for doing our windows (on the outside, as it makes quite a mess inside) and it is a big help.  The windows tilt in, but this is much quicker.  Somehow, clean windows motivate a cleanup.  Maybe because the daylight comes in, showing the interior clutter and dirt?

    You could try deep cleaning one room at a time. Enlist someone to help you. My g.friend used to get her elderly parents to help her deep clean. LOL.  I'm serious

    10 Simple Spring Cleaning Tips — my blessed life™

    Mar 7, 2011 ... Before you do any Spring decorating this year, check out these 10 Simple Spring
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    Spring-Cleaning: Spring-Cleaning Basics - Martha Stewart

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    Spring Cleaning Tips – How to Spring Clean - Good Housekeeping

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    This is great Val... Thank you!

    When you clean for 10 or 15 minutes, as opposed to an hour or more, cleaning doesn't seem overwhelming. Turn some music on and do this a few times a day so everything gets done. Choose CD's instead of the radio to keep you on track. No commercial interruptions makes it easier to keep the beat while cleaning.
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