

    NOW, NO.


    +10  Views: 1234 Answers: 25 Posted: 12 years ago

    25 Answers

    You talking to a  Scot married to an Irish girl living in South Boston what do you think.."my irish eyes are bloodshot"


    You Scottish Daren ? You dont sound Scottish.Well Blow ma Kilt off!

    Grand parents from New Berwick if memory serves correct..

    Just "Berwick" daren.
    It,s actually in England, but always classed as part of Scotland.

    Mainly an Irish thing.

    In Scotland we don,t really celebrate St Andrews day, our Patron Saint.

    More of a celebration on the Birthday of Robert Burns, our National bard.


    Do you eat cookies and drink milk for Sir Robert???? You can run but you can't hide!

    Cookies??? Milk???? SCOTTISH????
    Not a good mix!

    The best I ever celebrated St.Patricks Day was in New Orleans,2001.What a party!


    I was their for the 2004 celebration..

    No, but I might wear something green if I'm going out.


    Hey, look who's going to hit the 100K karma list with your TU. (TSC-look up);-)

    No TU from me. He was suspended months ago. Don't start any more trouble, will ya'? I was just explaining myself in WD's thread and when I went to post it...zap...404! Just wanted members to know, that I don't know any more than they do.

    Don't bother. Only a handful spoke out. The others are terrorized into silence.

    I didn't want members to believe that I might be one of "the terrorized ones". This IS just a volunteer job for me! If their business ethics at akaQA are, what they are being made out to be, I wouldn't work for them if I were destitute! BTW, they don't respond to me either.

    I'll drink to that!

    I don't celebrate the day. I'm Scot-Irish so half of me just sits around feeling proud.....

    Not since my last husband, who was Irish, but the owners of the pub were asking yesterday if I knew how to make beef and  Guinness pies, so it looks like there may be one this year


    It,s one of the best, I can vouch for that, and I don,t even like Guiness.

    I've been saying for 20 years now that I'm gonna have a green beer on St. Patrick's Day. I wonder if it will be this year?

    ed shank

    Don't want to gross you out but check the toilet after you've taken a pee. Green piss.
    country bumpkin

    Okay.... This should be interesting. (*~*)

    WHY .RABBIE BURNS. Because he loved the "Lassies .Right  ROMOS. Thats why Scots men wear the "Kilt so the Lassies can tickle there Rythem stick`s!!  "OH its good for the" Blood pressure .

    doolittle's a skirt!

    That,s why I take the meds for my BP pal, I,m tickly.

    Doo I will DOO you or KOTF will he has "Killer Fleas Come to think of it "How do you know I wear my "Wife`s Skirt? Only in "Bed.She says its better than long johns.
    So someone`s been sleeping in my "BED"

    Dowsa, Love the quote!! Am going to try to remember...but probably won't. :-> Now just tell us what "blood pressure" means!, Or maybe not.....

    "AH. Well Michmar.You see "When "Kilt is raised your "Testicles are cooled down Witch travels to the head "Blood pressure "down!Better If your standing on the Highest peak of the "Monroe`s ( mountains )"get my Drift.I better get down from here "Fast the Drift "SNOW that is falls fast and "Deep. Could "Freeze the "BALLS" of a"Brass Monkey. "Wont have to Worry about "Pressure !!

    When I was younger--No

    Now--- yes

    Did I have a chance when I was younger--> yes

    Now--- No


    (that one on the far right is a little too chunky for me.. But hell, at my age who cares-- maybe my wife, i dunno.. )




    I think she is just beautiful!! And I know A LOT of MEN that would, also! Beautiful women can be of any size. You just have to be open enough to recognize it. ;-)

    Possible but she's still a bit too chunky for me.. ;)

    yes.  I celebrate every holiday,  even if it's just saying to me, happy  Saint Patrick's Day.

    Only if I am invited to a St Patrik party :)

    You bet I will since my Dad was Irish. The whole family will be over for corned beef and cabbage. We'll be playing pool in the game room and drinking beer. Not to much though because the next day my coven will be celebrating the Spring Equinox a little early this year. Happy St. Patrick's Day to ALL.


    Blessed Be!

    Thanks witchway! Your family day sounds like a really fun time! Glad you mentioned the Spring Equinox....I'll be standing raw eggs up all over the place. Happy SP and SE to you!

    Sounds like great fun!! I was born on the summer solstice. Happy St. Paddy's Day to you, and all, as well!!

    I did when I was a kid. But my Grandchildren are 1/2 Irish and they celebrate with their father's family ,they tell me all the morning after stories it sounds like great fun.

    I'll drink to that as well, and remember my uncle patrick he would drink himself under the table and still be singing.

    Damn near every day.


    :D (I wish there was a bigger "D".)
    ed shank

    The corned beef and cabbage I can do without though. Yuk.

    Always wear something green...even had a leprechaun pin when I was a kid.  Corned beef and cabbage for dinner.  When the kids were in kindergarten, the classroom had been visited by the wee folk...there tiny green footprints all over the place and it was really fun for everyone.
    This year I think I am actually invited out for dinner and brews at an Irish pub. 


    Sounds like fun Bob. Have a great time and Happpy St. Patty's Day!

    wearig green of course! love those sharmrocks.

    In Chicago, the river is dyed green for St. Paddy's Day! Myself ? I while have corned beef and cabbage! AND beer! 

    Ill wear my St. Patricks Day badge.

    corned beef and cabbage and green beer oh ya.... just don't come around me the next day...The ol sphincter cannon will be will be blowing off a lot of pressure......

    March 17th aye, I’ll be there with the lot of ya to kiss the blarney stone soos  all my sins might be forgiven and forgot by the time we git to the bottom of another barrel of ale…and bless Saint Peter for driving all the snakes out of our fair home.  


    (Patrick...St. Patrick with the snakes)....

    March 17th aye, I’ll be there with the lot of ya to kiss the blarney stone soos  all my sins might be forgiven and forgot by the time we git to the bottom of another barrel of ale…and bless Saint Patrick for driving all the snakes out of our fair home.  


    Is that what it takes to be forgiven?? On good word, I wouldn't kiss the Blarney Stone. While in Ireland 1 1/2 yrs ago, locals told us that the kids in that area pee on the stone regularly just for kicks because of the visitors. I took their word for it. Happy St.Paddy's Day!

    robertgrist, Are you Irish, sounds like you are.

    I had red hair as a wee child, now it’s all streaked with grey and darker tones. My face is no longer smooth and youthful but wrinkled and gnarly.

    I had red hair as a wee child, now it’s all streaked with grey and darker tones. My face is no longer smooth and youthful but wrinkled and gnarly.

    March 17th aye, I’ll be there with the lot of ya to kiss the blarney stone soos  all my sins might be forgiven and forgot by the time we git to the bottom of another barrel of ale…and bless Saint Patatrick for driving all the snakes out of our fair home.  

    Green wine doesn't quite do it for me


    I would love to be in New York for St. Patricks Day. Heard the celebrations there are brill. Maybe one day.

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