
    i got caught with under a gram of crack cocaine

    0  Views: 830 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers

    Sucks to be you. Get off that crap. There's no way it will ever make your life better. Depending on where you live, will depend on what kind of trouble you're in. 

    Get a lawyer and get into a re-hab!

    That stuff will ruin your life.  Think of this as a lesson and learn it.


    some people never learn until it to late, and ruin there lives!

    I know and I have seen this happen over and over. It is very sad and a complete waste.

    Consider this a sign, the opportunity you have been waiting for and in need of to redirect your life.  Now, since you have seen the inside of a jail,  you have seen what your life will be like if you continue as you have.  You are really lucky here !   You have been GIVEN ONE chance only to get strait.  Don't blow it !

    KILLS , perhaps you might have learned the most important lesson in life, right now it may seem like the end of the world but in reality it could be the beginning of a new and better one..

    If first offence, you'll get a fine and a walk. If not your first drug violation, you'll be spending time with Bubba and Big Earl.

    Are you cracking up yet?

    Just some more depression you will get with that stuff. An hour or two of fun then back to the depression.

    i got caught with . crack under of a gram. is it a felony


    Again, this all depends on where you live. States differ. For instance this is what would happen if you were caught in Michigan (grams are less than an ounce):
    An individual caught with more than 650 grams of crack cocaine receives a minimum penalty of 25 years in prison and up to a life sentence. Those caught with up to 25 grams of crack cocaine, receive a penalty of four years or less in prison and a possible $25,000 fine. The prison sentence rises from there. The law differentiates between trafficking and possession by the amount. Those with a larger amount are typically charged with selling or trafficking because it's more than they can feasibly use.

    Read more: State of Michigan Required Sentence for Crack Cocaine |

    What I always told my kids about drugs was, if you can't buy it off the shelves at Walmart, then you shouldn't be buying it!  It took my son alot of years to finally realize that. He is now off drugs and has turned his life around at the age of 33. He started as a teen and regrets all the lost years with his family. Maybe you can learn by other peoples mistakes and stop now before you miss out on alot. I certainly hope you can,  for yourself and for your family. Good luck.

    Lesson learned. Stay away from the stuff from here on out, good luck...........

    To paraphrase Umbriel:  "Confucius say, Blonde who fly upside down have crack up."

    "" Hooray another druggie busted, tough!

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