    Should a person have the right to die, if they are seriously ill

    +16  Views: 2425 Answers: 32 Posted: 12 years ago

    Dollybird love your cat! x

    melandrupert, Sadly I dont have that cat any more, just lovely memory. How is your cat, that was ill, hope all worked out ok ?

    32 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    Without going into the whys and wherefores, I believe everybody has the right to determine their own lives......

    It is very impotant to have a living will. You can get the form from the internet and have it notarized. be-fore you get ill. Everyone schould have one.  I believe it schould be an indivitual choice. Unfortunately there are many people who are vegetables and are beeing forcefed or fed with a tube.because they did not have a Living will. It benefits the Nursinghome mostly because of the money coming in. I personally would not want to be subjected to this torture if I was ill and there was no quality of live. It schould not be dictated by our government or the lobby of the nusinghomes, what we want to do if  there is no hope of ever getting better. I would never put my family through this. If a person is seriously ill, they schould be able to decide theire own fate.


    Ann, two of my aunts were Alzheimer's victims, and it was heartbreaking for their families to lose the Mom they loved so dearly (and they were my favorite 2 aunties). My mom struggles daily to keep her independence. I admire and respect your dedication and patience to support your mom during her illness and to make the decision to love her enough to let her go. It could not have been easy.

    Ann, my mom was a "vegetable" for about twenty years. It was Hell for her and me. (I was the only relative close to her)
    She had a living will. I was too young to make the correct decision. My doctor said he took one look at me and knew I would not be able to accept the death of my mother. (I could not accept that my mother lived all those years) Such brutality. We do much better by our pets.

    Bob, your mom is amazing. I used to have a neighbor, that I took care of 5 yrs. ago. She was going blind, but her mind was amazing. She remembered everthing and tried to be as independent as possible. Then she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. She just gave up. She felt she was a burden to her family. She was 93 yrs. old when she died. I like to remember my Mom, the way she was before Alzheimers. She was a great decision maker and wonderful loving and kind person. And yes it was very hard to let go.

    Itsmee, To let ones mother go, is the hardest thing to do. I understand, that you could not bring youself to do it. Yrs. ago there was not enough information on this subject. Dont feel guilty, you did the best you could.

    My friend, David, promised his mom he would look after her sister, and he has done that for years. She has dementia, lives with him and his wife, is in her mid-80s. She is incontinent and has hallucinations. It sounds very difficult to me, but he is matter-of-fact with her and has a good sense of irony and humor. Bless their hearts. Both of them. His wife is NOT happy. But he promised his mother before she died.

    Bob, this is true dedication and I can understand that. A promise is a promise and he probably would feel terrible if he broke that promise. It must be very difficult to deal with someone incontinent, having hallucinations and dementis. My mom was never incontinent until a few days before she died. God bless them. They have my upmost respect.

    Yes, Ann, he's pretty amazing. He gets a kick out of her, too; the other incredible thing is he is legally blind. Totally missing one eye and severely compromised in the other. All my respect.

    Bob, I am in awe!Do you believe in Angels? I think thats what he is, a man with a beautiful soul.

    I believe we should have the choice to die as we please. I would not want to be alive if it meant I was in constant severe pain, was living like a vegetable, being dependant on someone else to do most things for me and especially being a burden on my family they have a life to live I have had mine and am very grateful for what life has given me. If and when the time comes let me die with dignity at my choice.


    I really agree with you, but then some people say, as God gives us life, its only God, who can take a life.
    Headless Man

    God never said to keep people alive by artificial means.

    Different faces with one name - Kelly...

    Randy you are so very right Doctors are having problems with this as they can do so very much to prolong life these days - it is becoming such an ethical dilemma for them.

    I think a person should have as much right to die as he has to live.  When my mom was very sick a couple of years ago,  comatose and requiring blood transfusions, the doctor called our little family together and suggested that we stop "doing everything" to keep her alive.   She was nearly 90 at the time.
    During our deliberations, my nephew (about 27 at the time), reminded us that she had held onto life support for her brother and her husband in spite of doctor's recommendations to let them go.  Obviously, she would want the same for herself.    
    So, we told the doctor to continue doing everything possible to keep her alive.  She awoke about two days later, came home a couple of days after that, and celebrated NYE 2012 at a party in Las Vegas.
    As Ann said, LIVING WILL... 


    Wow...amazing and happy story! :)

    Bob, How lucky for you all. When my mom went into a coma at my house(she was 85) and was in last stages of Alzheimers, the Visiting Nurse came to my home and told me not to call an ambulance and to let her go. It was very hard, but she no longer was a prisoner of her own mind. I loved my mom very much.

    A great deal of incite shown by your nephew, what a great outcome

    Yes Bob such a good story - I am battling with myself just now - my Mother being 91years but she is becoming demented but she is happy. Once a man had his leg amputated and had excruciating phantom pain from the knee down - the part removed and screamed and screamed to be let to die - he got over this and left hospital happy even after the surgery. So many stories.

    I think Soul itself can choose when to leave the body. I do not believe God wants anyone to suffer. Maybe he's just waiting for us all to finally understand that and not hang on to life when there's absolutely no quality to it. My grandfather was tired of living and wanted to move on. He asked me if it was OK for him to die and I said, "If that's what you want, I will not try to stop you". He passed away a few days later. We need to understand the needs of others. God wants us to show His love. We are merely sending  them back to God when we don't try to hold them here.  Free will to die when living is nothing but pain and illness with no cure. That's how I see it anyway. 


    Sad subject to put this on but, Happy 50th. Birthday. Celebrate for a week....!

    TY Jh :)

    Well stated Colleen.

    I wish it was like that Colleen

    I would hate to see a loved one "give up" if I thought that they may get better one day.  (That's the selfish reason.) On the other hand, I  myself, would not want to be lying in a bed, hooked up to machines and tubes, while knowing that this is my life, forever.  (Let me go.)  Still, it is a difficult question to answer, isn't it?  People with ulterior motives could certainly take advantage of such situations and most likely it would involve the patient's money.


    When our animals have a terminal disease, we do the right thing and put them to sleep. A person on the other hand who has a terminally disease suffers more because of treatment and I think it is very inhumane and causes the patient even more distress..

    And getting rid of Grandpa who has 2 million dollars in the bank, even if he might get well in a month or so? Hmmmmmmm (Maybe we can just "help him along"?)

    I have two family members who are suffering with Alzheimer's disease. It is brutal to witness the deterioration. There is no quality of life just life.
    It makes me want the right to die if that is my destiny. I would be of no use to anyone and if I am of no use... I just can't bear that thought.
    Tough question.

    Moderator mother had it...I watched it...I know too. Awful.

    Fishlet. I have seen people w. Alzheimers beeing in totally vegetative state, There is no dignity and no live for those people.It is horrible to see.

    yes. and people should have the right to refuse treatments.  


    People do have this right, in many cases. Blood transfusions, particularly, are contested regularly.

    yes a person has that right to die. Sometimes you are just stuck with a terminal illness. I think I am still in the anger stage.


    :( (((hug)))

    big hug back!

    I am in the hug stage for you and I believe in miracles. Any thing is possible... more (((Hugs))).
    xoxo Fishie

    thanks to ducky umbriel fishlet.all big hugs.

    I have only just seen am sending you a very belated hug!!Xxx

    So sorry,

    I believe it is personal and that living wills are extremely important.  I don't want to be kept alive because someone is too afraid to let me go.  I accept that when it is my time, it is my time. 


    I saw a young woman, kept alive by machines and tubes because her mother refused to "disconnect" and it went on for more than a decade. Finally, when she developed additional illnesses, her mother, a very sweet woman, let her go. A situation like that, really makes you think. So sad for all concerned.

    Advances in medical care has made it possible to keep a body alive much longer than in years past. I agree with Ann that everyone should look into a living will to help protect themselves from worthless suffering.


    unfortunately,for the most part of Oz anyway euthanasia is illegal,are we killing the sick? or are we allowing them to die?

    No one should speed up the process of dying but you can stop all artificial means of extending it.


    Agreed. That's when the decisions happen...who decides what and when (if the person has no will)?

    Yes. The term is Euthanasia. The problem being that religion steps in to make it suicide if he takes his own life, and that has not been changed from a grievous sin for the last century. Problem 2 being that most doctors are ruled through medical ethics not to terminate a life "while there is life, there is hope" and it could be ruled as murder if they intervened, so they won't risk doing so in helping the person. Sometimes a court order is obtained to terminate a person who is totally on life support because it is costing too much for the impoverished family. Good movie which addresses such "Ides of March" with a twist, the infidelity of the wife is brought into play, therefore it is not technically a sound reason for terminating his now comatose wife caused by a car accident, because there are other emotions that are triggered.. Jealousy. In life taking critical situations there are no other mitigating circumstances other than the person's inability to survive on his own.

    The Exit Euthanasia blog gives details of a chap called Tony who is totally dependent on everyone else from sustenance to movement.


    yes,coolandy please see my comment to flip

    Coolandy 2000 - good movie - "The Sea Inside". Oscar in 2005 - Director
    Javier Bardem. Actor Ramon Sampedro Fisherman and his three decade
    fight for assisted suicide won the best foreign language (Spanish) film
    Oscar. Just Brilliant covers movingly most of the issues.

    This is a question that could go on and on.I personaly don't want anyone to suffer.I pray everyday for those who are seriously ill and in pain.Howerer that beening said i don't believe we have the rigth to take our own lives.Have a Wonderful Day!!

    Headless Man

    Umbriel, maybe prayer is futile activity for you because you are an unbeliever, but I know it has worked for me, sometimes almost before my eyes.
    ed shank

    Randy, I'm with you on this. Don't know how one goes through life not believing in something. Even a pet rock. Something.

    Yes! I Think everything been said.

    This is a huge ethical question even for Doctors as medicine and techology has advanced so much. I agree with most of what has been said here and simplistically everyone has the right to dignity and to most of all be pain free with as little suffering as possible. Hopefully they are in a situation to make informed decisions.

    YES. I want to decide my own fate, facing death as I have in life. Everybody want's to go to heaven but nobody wants to die. I look at it my passing as a journey to a new start.


    I think we arrange our own coming in and going out of this existence and perhaps it is as author/healer Caroline Myss  puts forth,that we have these "spiritual contracts" with one another and we're here to experience those .In my own mind I wonder at the heaviness of the burden of asking for help to (or being asked to) end one's (or anothers')  life.I suppose I'm a bit Native on this one and would prefer to be left on the trail should I become too much of a burden Aha!!!


    lindilou, interesting answer, but please tell me, how do we arrange our coming into our existence ?

    Perhaps we always were...we are intelligent beings who know what experiences we need for our own souls'perfection...I've wondered since childhood "what am I doing back here?" that I'm older I see...

    I don't believe you should put anyone in the position to decide or help you in your quest to leave this world,personally for reasons I will keep to myself I have made provision for this so no one other than myself will be involved,hopefully not for a good long yet though!

    Yes, I believe if the person has made the decision based on informed choice, then it is theirs to make

    If God gives us life, why isn't God's decision that makes the sufferrer to stop his/her body life and let his/her soul go to God sooner?


    Science can now keep "a body" alive for years but that is not really "living", if you are totally incapacitated, is it?

    No, that's not life.

    My short answer to Dolly's question is Yes.

    Mine too but oh, so complicated. :(

    Most  difficult question to answer but I do not believe in keeping any one or anything alive that is faced with a future of "existing" as opposed to "living" this includes people,animals and even plants.

    I have a DNR in my will, "Do Not Resuscitate"


    did you get my email about new email address!

    Yes thank you Mel

    It`s still such a contraversial  question!!:-¬...I too believe that if the person is terminally ill or has no quality of life through illness..and are assessed to be within their "Right state of mind"..A term I strongly dislike!!...The choice should be their own..I DO agree though that it needs to be monitored via Authorative figures..Doctors and lawyers /to ensure that they are certain of the decision made and to ensure that other people aren`t forcing such decisions on them..(Eg..bump off Granny Syndrome ..:-¬ inherit the family heirlooms!!:-)...No..It is a serious issue..and everyone has their own views on it!...I do think it terrible that people have to travel to clinics eg DIGNITAS and their relatives risk prosecution if they go with them to say their goodbyes!..i find that TERRIBLY sad!! :-(


    I feel it is our right to choose euthanasia if that's what we've stated we want

    Absolutely.  Plus I believe people are being assisted by health care institutions to assist people in drying more than we the public might be aware of.  Nobody should have to suffer if they are going to die anyway and that is there final wish.  Pain is a mother, that is not friendly.  I remember the pain my sister was in.  I took her to Kaiser Hospital before one of her last visits.  I asked her what would she recommend to me if I ever had to go through what she is going thur.  She said,  "Shoot yourself in the head."  And was not joking.

    Deleted User

    They do assist.. Its called a Morphine Driver ..

    Simply put--Yes

    I love what Ann Said and Colleen in my books they are both right and I would hate to suffer you wouldnt let a animal or insect or anything suffer I do feel it is important that if it is someone close to you you must tell them to go and let go I think my Mother went quicker when I told her its ok to go now and there were times I really felt that I wanted to end her life by putting a pillow over her head as she was so much in pain it is time for the law to change now

    Yes, but they shouldn't be euthanized. They should NOT be on the ventilator, if they don't want it. They should NOT have a feeding tube if they don't want it. My husband said he didn't want a feeding tube when they said his cancer was terminal.

    I believe NO because he also has come in this world without his/her own will.

    Hey THERE!...Anyone who is REALLY interested in this`s a "MUST-READ"!!NOVEL...which addresses the issues of someone with Quadraplegia..losing the will to live...It`s called" ME BEFORE YOU"..By Jojo Moyles new out!(2012) doesn`t quite pass as "Chick-lit"(which I personally can`t stand)!!:-z.......Reviewed as"Truly beautiful.Made us laugh,smile and sob like a baby"!!!...It CERTAINLY PACKS A PUNCH!!!


    millie xx

    \Thank you to every one for their openions,suggestions. For me I would not want to be kept alive, to suffer,

    yes.It is the person`s desire.

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