Yay! Eggplant you are wonderful!
That better be red velvet cake with real cream cheese frosting!!
Love it Eggie! Thank you so much my alien stalking friend!! xoxoxo
Love it Eggie! Thank you so much my alien stalking friend!! xoxoxo
11 Answers
Happy Birthday Colleen...
The best moderator on this scene.
You are grand and you are nifty...
Do not fret you are only Fifty!
Big hugs and lots of love, Fishie xoxo
12 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
Thank you fishlet!
Was it a special gift to me, that you perfectly hit every key?
If his kingship claims you did not, just tell him without his skirt he ain't so hot. :)
Was it a special gift to me, that you perfectly hit every key?
If his kingship claims you did not, just tell him without his skirt he ain't so hot. :)
"Age is something that doesn't matter, unless you are a cheese." ~Billy Burke
12 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
This is very much true! Thank goodness I'm not cheese, I would be so "ripe" I'd get tossed out of my own party, lol
A very ""Happy Birthday" to you. Where is the party? I am coming.
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Apparently it's in two spots. I think they're trying to keep my joints limber having me run from one thread to the other, lol
Thank you Ann! ((hugs))
Thank you Ann! ((hugs))
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Thats one nice card, Pyth -- I was looking for some thing like that, something special-- well done. :)
I want to see your "Birth certificate!! ?? You ain!t "FIFTY" So you tell lies as well as being a big "Talker "Ooops nearly said "Stalker! If I should be so lucky.I cant come "Ducka did not give me an Invite or "Plane fare ."Oh well have a nice time The girl with the IRISH Name.ONLY TWENTY ONE You Drive me Insane! In a nice Way.
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
OF COURSE you're invited dowsa...now about that plane fare...hmmmm If I pay your way, I'm sure there will be more requests! Then what? BTW...are you saying that Colleen is OLDER than 50??? LOL!!!
"Ducka are you trying to get me into "Trouble with my IRISH "ROSE" Not FIFTY "BUT TWENTY ONE!!
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