    Another quest within the forum...what sort of credentials do we all possess that qualify us to answer questions?

    I think I'm qualified to answer many queries due to a Bach of Arts, 19 years of music performance,I'm a gardener by trade,I've studied a variety of religions to thier core,I have a special-needs child, and I desperately need practice typing...C'mon people let me see those Bragging Rights!!!

    +12  Views: 2277 Answers: 31 Posted: 12 years ago

    ...stickler... ;)

    Alright, alright...3 squeezed comas and a misspelled their!...yawn...

    That's what I want to do ... Study religion. lindilou, if you know a good site on the internet, please direct me. Maybe I can still read!
    I would also like to hear you play and sing but it's kind of difficult to the confines of akaQA.
    Knowing you, as I do, I'm sure you are an excellent mom. (As I am. : ) )

    31 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    My formal education is 45 years at Knoxville School of OOps.  I majored in "have another drink" and how to "Cut Your Own Hair".     My hobbies are Astro Physics, Egyptian Hyroglyphic Reading, Rocket Science, Paint By Numbers and Animal Gynocology.  Don't laugh, someone gotta do it.

    Been married to the same  witch-a-call-it,  for a long time.    I keep her in the closet until Friday night when I blow her up.

    I only answer questions which have to do with  'tying shoes',   'which way is up',  or  'what's  that smell'.                   There's lots more but its getting late.


    You are a cad caddam!!!

    Thankzyouz I am trying,, so they say.
    PS What's a CAD...

    "Tis British archaic for one who is attached to a university,usually a youth,and used in jest!!

    lindilou, please use me in 'jest' for your personal entertainment, if you wish. And I'll do the same with you.

    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D very creative!

    wow I love love love your answer. It is so great to hear people talk about what they love to do and what they have achieved in this little short life. Thanks again! Tabbie Tabbie

    Every time I read this've fallen over lol...and I can't get up.....

    You are a high achiever. : DDDD

    I don't see you around often. Come on back!

    You sound like a road scholar...

    It is interesting to read about you Lindilou.  I often wonder what people do and where they are from... the quilt that is akaQA. 

    I would much rather read about other people.  It's a thousand times more fun... I guess that is why you asked the question! :)


    Absolutely!I saw the You-tube video and was filled with a warmth I've rarely experienced among all are too cool...

    Well .lindilou You would be "COOL being a Fish in water .But not for long the Fryer is ready for "FISHY!!

    Dowsa.... back away from the fish... Discover your inner vegetarian!

    I,m a nobody from nowhere in particular.

    I don,t like to brag.


    Beneath that modest exterior we know lies a brilliant mind!


    Doo disagrees with You. You are a Somebody who is currently somewhere...wearing a skirt..

    KILT KILT KILT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are somebody special to all of us here. AND you are the King of the Fleas!

    Well, I think you are a SOMEBODY!!!!!! :)

    Aye, persevere at bragging and you,ll soon know who yer friends are,
    You could count them on one finger.
    And that would be yourself.

    NONE. We offer what we can given our life experiences. Not any diferent then yours.Welcome to the "Shrink shop".


    Thankyou, very much!....i'm shrinking...i'm shrinking!!!!!

    My talent is telling people what to do, how to do it, when to do it, why they should not do it, why they should do it, where to do it, when to stay, when to leave, and most of all, where to go!  Yep that's why I get to answer questions here on akaQA!  The sign on my door reads...

    Enter here for Duckadvice......short answers, long answers, dumb answers.....all for free!


    Nuthin "dumb" about our resident duck.
    This comment courtesy of a "somebody"

    You're holding back. Obvious you have at least a Masters in " Whats Happnin, Dude"

    My degree is a WDYWFM!!

    (Whadayawanfrome?) :)

    You forgot co expert with tommy on the subject of duck tape!

    First of all, I am happy you stumbled down the rabbit's hole.  You add a fresh voice!  
    As far as credentials.....I have a computer!  


    Ms.Bob, you don't need initials after your name to be so called intellectual.

    You are so right, bulletman. With all the experiences this little group of 75+ who are "regulars" in my world, there isn't much we don't know!

    Well thank you so much!!! where the heck did that pesky wabbit go.....wwwwaaaabbbiittt!

    I can type. 


    And talk to animals remember!

    Yes...and talk to the animals! I never forget that! How is your fleamily today?

    "I can type."

    Doolittle you make me laugh...and I don't even pay you to!! hahahahaha! so there! ;D

    Are you back somewhere where I can't see you? I wonder if you moved. <--memory for tidbits, doctor foo.

    Life and experience. That's my creds. 


    Nothing like it I'll say.I read your blog and saw your beautiful video...great creds so kudos to you...Thanks for tolerating me!!

    thank you lindilou, so far I've found nothing I have to "tolerate" you for ;)

    I got a masters in B.S....50 years of talking and taking crap, i think i'm qualified..


    Masters in Hard Knocks...didn't I see you on campus??

    ForShore. Can see your education hanginout

    The school of life.


    About the most useful learning center there is. Still in school or did you grad.?

    I am retired and no spring chicken

    I'm trying to retire but I keep getting invites to solve problems. And I prefer Winter Chickens.! They are a little tougher and so much more interesting.

    Umb. Not everyone has had the priviledge to go to a University and it does not make them less knowledgable about life.I know people who did not even finish high school and have been very sucessful starting theire own companies. Knowlede vs, wisdom and common sense is entirely different.

    I feel a little out classed with all these diploma's and degrees, indentured tradesman in the printing industry, since 1966, spent 11 years in similar capacity with Chrysler / Mitsubishi car manufacturers, at the present time i'm a super in Print Finishing, retiring in 3 years. Because of the field i am in, i am conversed  in current affairs, maths amd english.


    And you,re a Laird.

    You don't sound "outclassed" at all!

    Thats a good place to be in to have thoughts coming in from lots of different thinkers.

    You forgot to mention your obvious care for others.

    What do you me outclassed you are Lord Laird bulletman! LLB!!!! You've done a lot and your answers are always on spot. Can you imagine how very weird this site would be if we were all Mensa IQs with a ton of degrees- no fun and half (or more) of the questions would be ignored........

    What I do not understand,the interesting thing about some people, a person can feel relaxed in their company.because the genuine high achievers are the people who have succeeded, they are more humble. They do not feel the need to boast.


    How true Dollybird,it seems we have a painfully modest group for this querie!!!

    Talking about me!! Yes very Modest Shy ( SLY ) "Who said that !!"OH my wife.

    I'm a writer and former tutor of English and I can teach maths too. Oooh, shock, horror! My husband is a maths tutor and and an IBM engineer. Any questions?


    No shock nor horrors dear! My eldest is a top honors student in all subjects with a love for math and sciences and a knack for logic that makes ones' mind swim.

    My three sons are doctors, one is a heart specialst, one is an emergency doctor and the other works in ICU.

    You did well and very well by these ya for dear one, are a hero factory!! :) Peace.

    lindilou: Please don't make your questions so hard .... I'm having trouble here. :o)


    OK OK I'll cut you some slack...just don't flip out !!!

    I just have a smart mouth, don't get to use it much in the real world as it gets me into trouble.And I can say:" I'm a sheet slitter, I slit sheets, I'm the best sheet slitter that ever slit a sheet" fluently.......


    'Splains zalot. I slipped on some of your slits

    ...this is hilarious!! Now try it with a lisp...too much fun!! (p.s. now the kids know I am nuts!) lol


    I know everything, now if I can remember any of


    Yes I've an awesome's just short!!

    One of life's extrapolators of its consquences.

    I'm here, aren't I ?

    lindilou're good...!!

    I have a deploma in life

    Cant say much My wife said my "Brains where throwing out with the "Afterbirth !!. Her Mum agreed.


    If it was me, I'd have to tell them, "Well, at least I came with some!" How it would be accepted, might be something else. But, I look at it as, if they can sling'em, they better be ready to catch a few in return! LOL!

    Very true Shootah .You see I Blush if I tell a lie. Well If you dont have Brains you cant "think? get my drift Friend.

    I’m here and I have opinions. Some seem ok. Some cannot be read and are therefore roadside trash. I am not an authority on anything…even my own life is a mystery. I am here…did I mention that already?  

    lindilou I really like this question because I like to see what life paths people have been down.  What I have discovered is that every human being has an immense amount of wisdom.  I believe people on this site have all been down different paths in life &  tapped into their wisdom and are willing to share it with others.  To  me its great if you or anyone was fortunate enough to have special training, but it really in a way does not matter because we are all so unique and special.  I am proud of my own accompishments which are many that have made me happy because they were goals I set out to accomplish.   I will name a few.  I do handwriting anaylsis and did it for a while when my department hired people at Stanford University.  I went to broadcast school and have done talk shows, have a B.A.  in experimental psychology and have worked with families and kids for over 20 years.  I have had lot of jobs which is good for me because I get bored easily on jobs.  I have a passion for justice, for all; peace in the world; happiness and growth for children & adults.  I think all people are beautiful, except for a few, just kidding.  I love life and others. I am really happy that I learned how to read and write.  Both of those areas were very difficult for me to learn as a young kid.   A big accomplishment for me, to me on a spiritual level,  is that I have gained insight and patience for people and appreciate them all, except a few.  A hobby I have is matchmaking.  That's fun for me too. That's part of my life path that brought me to the majestic akaqa community.


    tabber you sound to me like a real cool cat...Peace and thanks for playing!!!

    Tabber, We wish you were here often. : )
    You have done some interesting things!
    You did handwriting analysis at Stanford! Wow.
    I believe like you do that people on this site have tapped into a wisdom
    that I don't understand. But they are willing to share it with others.

    WE don't need credentials, just questions.

    Just a teacher, an agony aunt to people on the web. 40 years of litigation doing my mothers court cases and a good background in medicine because I did the paperwork for my father who is a Vet, my brother who is a Vet, a sister who is a Doctor, and another sister who is an accountant. Have my own qualifications which I would rather not divulge, but the main purpose of being here, is my best qualification "I like People! and I like to help People, and I am non judgmental, And I don't take sides and I don't influence people with my own opinion, I just let them think things through given the facts. I also like to make the questioners independent of panels like anywhere, so that they do not have to come back to you again and again on the same subject. That's why I am a lousy businesswoman too, cos my students are left to migrate from under the wings of a teacher tutor.  I like gardening, a renaissance type of woman. Worked with Engineers, Lawyers and Pediatricians, Doctors, and that shows I am not that young! My case rests. And I will retire tonight. Good question though!. Have a pleasant evening mulling this through! And I am an ad-libber which means I try anything once, made mistakes on marriages though so that means I have to learn too!


    You're beautiful!!!Thanks for humoring this newcomer!

    @lindilou, thank you, and I do believe the fundamental rights of others, therefore this comes through most often, and I am blessed with a good background therefore to do so. An unbiased opinion which is still subjective, i.e. left to the recipient to accept or reject. I also answer the foreign ones because there are no karma points associated with the answer, nobody else can understand them, therefore answered and hopefully of help to others.

    We've all gotten karma for answering foreign languages and we can also understand the questions asked in foreign languages. We know all about the translators on the internet. Boy you like to crow. I've seen you too many times now trying to claim you are not here for the karma. Me thinks you doth protest too much.

    You know, I just went through all your answers, all 284 of them and I found that you answered 9 foreign language questions. 9 out of 284. I answer 9 in a day if there are 9 to be had. Tell us again how you pick only the foreign language questions so you can not gain karma....

    @colleen. Let is rest until you get over the question asked. Yahoo and 2 points to answer and 10 points from the questioner. Then Yes, I will continue to answer those in a foreign language because nobody can vote me down or up, and that is not my interest here to get popular or be loved. I am here to answer the questions of the ignorant. An apt simile, if you hear of a tax dodger being jailed in samoa for tax offenses it would not bother you, but if your neighbour is waylaid by the police, you would transfer all your money to an offshore account. Its a question of "if a cap fits" and many decided to put it on. How very unfortunate!

    No credentials just a curious mind that has stumbled across some very curious friends with a curious way of stating the sometimes curiously obvious. Curious, isn't?


    Now I'm curiouser!!!

    We have a lot of dead cats around here. (not really)

    I,m nothing special, work in welfare (and have for over 20 years) live a fairly insulated life in a country town, but I do like to stay in touch and reading some of the answers on this forum supply me with incite and often practical help,the people here are not vindictive nor , condescending and through my own experience I have found them only too happy to help


    This is an observation I've made as well and I can relate on the insulation...and on a different note aren't nestled in mint jelly are you? No offense but that name is making me hungry!haha!

    I sure was nestled in mint jelly when I named it! up to my elbows in nicely baked lamb..yum

    Some of the question asked here  are so dumb even I can answer them


    Good one William!! Laughing over here! Thanks!

    You sound like you are a little too religious. If we didnt answer, who did then?

    Maybe i`m wrong, it just sounded that way;-) 


    Lots of love



    Religious????? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!! Yer funny!!!!

    you're answer # 31.....

    religion>>from Latin>religare>>meaning "to bind".

    I would like to claim all of the unclaimed credentials that anyone missed claiming for themselves so  that we could all claim we have a real x-spurt here who knows it all….now if that person would please login we could all get on with the show of our appreciation and praise whoever you are. Yep, Just log right in there…and thank you.



    Funny, Robert.
    When we all answer the same question we become a bright entity. : )
    Now I will look up "entity"

    har har har! xox

    I'm a mom, a wife, degree in early education, experience with crisis line, 25 years of successfully running a daycare and preschool, a degree in medical assisting and experience in doctors' office, newspaper columnist, book writer (didn't fly) but I wrote it, read a lot of health stuff, classes and then experience in counseling women in crisis.

    I often think of akaQA and how when we all put our heads together we are genius. We all come at problems from our perspective. All different. Most good. I've worked other sites, a psychology board, writers site, studied Lupus when I thought I had it. I don't. Fibromyalgia. Chroni Pain. Weight loss. I've moved about 50 times. (All in California) Love music


    And you like to ask decent questions.
    Even when you answer them, you do it decently!

    Thank you, Romos. I ask 'em. You answer them. You do a good job of answering. You've helped me many times and many other people would say the same thing.

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