    is it wrong to be gay at age 12

    +7  Views: 1644 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: gay

    You have great and honest answer from Colleen read it time and time again .I call it the "Words of "truth!!

    I agree with dowsa... Colleen's advise is good advise.
    And... love yourself for exactly who you are.

    10 Answers

    No, it's not wrong. Just allow yourself the time to know for sure. It could just be puberty and things changing within yourself that you don't fully understand yet. I am a lesbian and I know I knew all my life but still didn't admit it til I was 18 or so, when I knew for sure and that it didn't have anything to do with any outside forces or influences.  I know that I was born to be this. Make certain you can say the same in a few years before you mention it to too many. Take care of you and tell only those you are safest with. There is still a lot of hate in this world for homosexuals. There are some pretty awesome people too though who are great supporters. Hopefully you have people like that in your life. 


    It's amazing to me how many people think they can hop in your bed and tell you who should be in your bed with you! My bed, My partner! But please 12 year olds. Stay out of bed for awhile.
    ed shank

    There we go again with the bedroom. Who you love and why you love them is nobody's business. At your age there is much to think about.

    Great advice.

    You can be happy at any age.

    No . Tough way to go . I guess its the luck of the draw . No need to advertise it ,I would follow Colleens advice and concentrate on life and growing up . Good Luck to you .   Bill

    It is wrong to pretend to be someone or something you are not.   You are 12 and should  be abstinent from all sexual activity until you are much, much older.    I think a lot more than sex goes into the conclusion that you are hetero-  or homo- sexual.  Enjoy your activities and friends, stay busy and healthy. If you are really concerned, please talk to a responsible adult whose confidence you trust. 


    Being attracted to someone does not always include sex. At 12, I was having puppy love over my sister's friends. The same as a hetro 12 year old girl might have over her brother's friends. Mr. Shy just might be finding himself fixating on male friends. This does not however mean he's gay, that's why I've cautioned him to wait til he's older to make the determination. My brother who is as hetero as you get, told me about his time during puberty when he felt a deep bonding with his male friends and questioned his sexuality. He said he out grew it shortly there after. I have a feeling, Mr. Shy might be feeling this.

    It's pretty had to have gay sex at 12 anyway. He might be the only one in his school. Kind of tough to find a partner that way. ;)

    Can't argue with good logic.

    Age twelve is when you are looking at options and trying to see what options you like and what ones you don’t like. I thought it very interesting that so many of my peers had very strong opinions in different directions on every choice in such matters as sex, little social groups and motivation. Age 12 was chaos. 

    I don`t know much about it,if a person knows,he or she knows. It is their  life.

     Gay or Straight it's a tough, cruel world out there young Jedi tread softly and safely.


    That's cute :)

    It's not wrong to be gay ever! Age has nothing to do with it.

    No it is not wrong, but I think you should keep your options open. Don;t take it for granted that you are gay at age 12, by doing so, you cut off all the other experiences that life may offer you in your choice of friendships with people of the other gender. You could turn out to be a bi-sexual? You are only just beginning your life, don't put name calling and decisions until you reach age 18 or more. I have heard of both sexes who turned straight because they found the love of their lives in the other gender.


    @Colleen, in my thinking, I don't ostracize you for your beliefs. I am too christian for that :). And you would not know how I think, because i never comment on other people's chosen lifestyles!

    I've read many articles that say that a boy shouldn't decide he's gay untill about 18 yrs. That is because some boys play around sexually with each other.......kinda like when little kids get naked and look at or feel each other's parts. Therefore, a boy of 12 might just be experimenting and not really gay. You'll know better when you're older. So don't label yourself gay or straight untill  you have some evidence and maturity .

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