17 Answers
13 years ago. Rating: 20 | |
Diets don't work. You will lose weight and then gain it all back.
The changes have to be gradual and forever....more fruit...more vegetables...more water...more exercise....less dessert...less junk food....less restaurant food. You can still have a "treat" once a week, so you don't feel deprived but you can't have "treats" every day. Good luck.
12 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
I bet you can...if you really put your mind to it!!:-)...The thought of diets/healthy eating can be scary!!...plan menus in advance..set little goals which are achievable!....changing your eating plan still leaves room for treats!!....see a dietician for help if you`re really stuck..or join a slimming group..where everyone is in the same boat!...Plan to treat yourself to some new clothes when you reach your goal!...it`s always hard to start...but once you`ve lost a coupla pounds it will give you the incentive to carry on!!....drink plenty of H20 before meals to feel fuller...and snack on healthy food eg fruit/veg inbetween meals!...i lost over 3 stone and I feel SO much better!!...You know when you are succeeding when people start making positive comments re the ever shrinking you!!...and don`t rush it or the weight is quicker to regain!!
good luck..new you!
Love Millie xx
12 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
Deprivation or the fear of it has killed most of my diet plans. I'm a good weight and can only do certain exercises for short periods of time due to sever back problems (etc). Though it causes a lot of pain at times I try to walk with a friend 2-3 times a week. Usually we walk approx 3 miles. Other days I'll do a bit of housework. On nice days my cat and I go on walks "adventures" that requires a lot of standing around. I allow myself a few cookies, a small bowl of ice cream, or another small treat every day. I try to eat fresh veggies and fruit with some sort of protein. Nuts and the butters that come from them have the right kind of fat and protein. I cut back on salad dressing and try to avoid white sauces on food. In truth I'm not very hungry anymore- and because I vary my diet and allow myself a treat I don't feel like Im missing anything. Ive dropped 6 pant sizes from my heaviest.(I was on high dose steroids which tell your brain you are always hungry and another medication that made me puff up alot these were RXd for a medical condition...I am lucky to be off of them) So, if you take medications see what the side effects are- you may have to go slow if you are on a medication that sends signals that you are starving and must eat- the alteration in your brain, though you know the message is untrue, is very hard to fight especially when the signals afffect your stomach making you physically hungry.
Don't beat yourself up and drop the expectation that you'll be a perfect size and weight in three weeks. Just get more active as he weather becomes warmer, eat smart- and gradually cut the portions...or eat 5 x a day with 3 small meals and 2 filling snacks.
Good luck!
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |