    which is the best route to edinburgh from brentwood essex

    0  Views: 1225 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: uk

    2 Answers

    Click here for map and route choices. Please your cursor over each route to learn more about it. Private roads and toll roads will be listed along with distance on each  route.  

    Best bet, get a GPS. Dialog has a built in GPS on their phones and it helps you to know where you are when you are lost. It does not help you get back to where you want to be, so maybe the directions are best from a GPS :). Available in most western countries :). How privileged! :).

    Global Positioning System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather, anywhere on or ...
    History - Basic concept of GPS - Structure - Applications


    This does not help the person asking the question. We provide answers not suggestions to purchase items. Google maps are mapquest can easily provide the directions. I'm sire you've notice that a few of us here retrieve the directions on request ;)

    best if given items for purchase than give them directions since each road and turn cannot be known to everyone. Also, shortcuts which are used by some may not necessarily be the shortest route for others. Nothing to beat the GPS I am told by those who have them :).

    I was asking in more general terms for personal experience
    As there are several routes that can be taken
    We all know gps can give us shortest longest routes
    That was not the question

    I was asking in more general terms for personal experience
    As there are several routes that can be taken
    We all know gps can give us shortest longest routes
    That was not the question

    For example, Google maps gives my home and location in a generalised area in my district. It does not pinpoint the exact locality because it is also an offense to divulge personal details to the public a violation of privacy. No internet provider can give such details because it is against the law. The GPS is allowed to give these details because it is in the person's own car!. :)
    And Micks!. Sorry. I hope you find someone who knows the route since he/she travels it himself :).

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