    A Lawyer's Type Question:3-10-12

    I have this a question about haresement,you see back in October of last year I kept calling my former Service Provider & my  former care workers at my ex agency I was at. Well the service provider sent a rather nasty E-Mail to me telling me not to call her or her workers. I get that & I have not since then,here is my question if I see my old Service Provider out in public & go up to her to make conversation,is this harrasing her? Could she call the law on me? Please answer back real soon,thanks.

    C.V. Berndt

    0  Views: 978 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago


    Karma: 380

    Since I wrote this stupid & dumb question back in March,I had lots of time to reflect back on my wrong doing. First of all I wish to say that I am very very sorry that I got you all involved in my emotional problems & I now realize how wrong that was. Can you all& this includes you Colleen find it in your hearts to forgive me for asking that foolish question about my ex service provider? Yes I now see your point & the good news is I am over her. I never want her back in my life again and yes I will abide by her wishes & not call her workers. Now does that sound like I am doing better or what folks? Thanks!

    C.V. Berndt


    Karma: 380

    Since I last wrote to you all concerning my stupid lawyer's type question every thing has gotten resolved between myself & Georgeann. In fact I am now back with her & The Smith Agency. I had my transicendential meeting so I could switch from Stepping Stones to Smith Agency. Georgeann explained to me why she those e-mails to me,it was because I kept telling her I was going to come back to her several different times. Well needless to say it hurt her what I did to her though I feel that part of it is my fault & the other is Stepping Stones's fault. I told Georgeann I truly was sorry for hurting her & I realize she had to do what was best for her in reguards to those emails sent to me months ago. We are on good terms & I am happy.

    C.V. Berndt

    Please do not use the add a new answer box to comment to your own question. Use the blue section, click on "comment this question". Thanks.

    3 Answers

    Why would you strike up conversation with someone who sent you an Email asking you to stop contacting her or her employees? Honestly, it sounds more like you're asking how far you can push things before you land yourself in trouble. Let it go, and move on! It's not worth wasting your time and energy on.

    Yes you would be harrassing her!  She has told you to leave her alone and you are obviously looking for trouble.  I question your own words.... "I kept calling my former Service Provider and my former care workers at my ex agency".  Is it possible that the rest of the story is, that you were fired from the agency?  It's over...move on!

    No I was a former client of her's all I wish to do is be friends with her but she doesn't want it that unless I go back to her agency. I am stuck in a hard place and I do not know where to go I tried counseling but it does me no good.. Yeah! Maybe it did help up till I started having sad dreams about her. two nights in a row this week. Any sugesstions? Thanks!

    C.V. Berndt


    As above.When someones' feelings are not mutual there is nothing you can or should do about it but to get on with your life.There are new people out there that you can access for councelling and your dreams are your own-they are not a reality...perhaps it is you who is sad and it is represented in your dreams in which case you need to accept that not everyone will be a friend...harsh reality! Peace.

    She does not want to be friends with you. You have a weird fixation with this woman. Back off before she hits you with a stalking charge and has you arrested. Move to another town if that helps but leave her alone unless you like prison.

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