    how to recover windows 7 data from .iso files?

    I had dual boot on my lenovo laptop. Windows 7 ultimate and Ubuntu 10.10. I upgraded Ubuntu to 11.04. During the process the two partitions were shown and was asked to change partitions, if any. I did not know what can be the effect. I moved partition Ext partition as the other was quite bigger. Later I found that windows not shown in grub. However sudo fdiskl showed two NTFS partitions of windows (C and D drives) data size. Since I did not have time to learn through internet and carry this risky work wherein I could have lt my 80 GB data, I gave the work to an expert. He charged hefty amount. Now the file names are seen on Windows 7 ultimate but files do not open. I guess he recovered data on windows 2008 service pack system with one month validity software SPWDR. Since one more day of the software was still remaining, I tried to get the data by myself. Neither his correctly named files open nor my .iso files open. I searched for I net solution for .iso files. FreeFileViewer was suggested as the solution. But this software just says something about Codecs. Now how to get my files back. The file names with proper data size is on my comp. and .iso files are also there. Further what? Can any one help me out.

    Dr Vishwajeet

    0  Views: 1080 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Lot of information here 

    You need to take the computer back to the "expert" or send it to a reputable company to be corrected. 

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