    Were you named after anyone, first name that is?

    I was named after a deceased uncle. My son is named after me, I cut it short though. My first name is Jean-Paul. I named him Paul.

    +7  Views: 1361 Answers: 20 Posted: 12 years ago

    That is wonderful.
    My husband's family rotates through four names, Edward, Thomas, James and George. My husband's middle name is the same as his father's and my son's... My mother-in-law decided to vary my husband's first name and we did that for our son. Families can be so funny!
    All three of my children have one Irish name and one family name.

    Jean-Paul is a very romantic name! Gives me a whole different picture of you, ed shank.

    20 Answers

    Everyone in the family has a name starting with the letter "J" thus, my name is Julie.  My mother was going to name me Sally but the J's won out.....

    ed shank

    Went to church with a sweet young thing named Julie. I had to remind myself where I was. My thought's were not Christian like. She had a great..........

    Personality, I get you............

    I was named for three characters in different books that all had the same name or the popular nick-name for the formal name.

    ed shank

    Guess that makes you a quasi star.

    Or a quasi character- LOL

    I was named after the primary character in a book my father was reading, Anna Karenina. 

    ed shank

    Another mellow person. Anna, lovely name. Good book also.

    I didn't get the Anna part.

    hey that's weird fish, my mum named me that for the very same reason!

    @Lambie... Now that is a curious thing!

    My first name is my Mothers maiden name.


    Then I'll wander over to see you!!! In a bit

    No, my mother chose an Irish name for me because her mother's side of the family came from Ireland.

    ed shank

    Interesting, I would have thought Colleen would have been Scandinavian for some reason.

    Nope, it's an Irish name. It's also an Irish word.
    ed shank

    What's the word meaning?

    it means "girl"

    Great Country.Great Name.Be proud Girl.

    Hmmmmm .... Each of my 5 siblings were named after a family relative, but not me. Never thought about it before ..... Thanks a lot ED .... Now you've put hurtful feelings in my mind!


    Maybe you are just an original!
    ed shank

    Sorry flip.

    maybe you were just more special than the family names remaining and deserved your very own name

    Nope, I got the name my dads oldest sister wanted me to have.  *:~}

    Daren Stevens from Bewitched...??


    ed shank

    That Daren Stevens you don't resemble at all.

    There was also Darren McCloued

    I was named after my mother- all in the family so to speak.

    ed shank

    I've known several ANN's through the years, they all had one thing in common. They were all very mello.

    You've no met my sister Ann, then. Mello is not in her vocabulary.

    Great name My Sister was called ANN.
    ed shank

    It's in there somewhere colleen, gotta decompress maybe. Hmmm, maybe sister (Colleen) might be pushing a button? Just kiddin.

    Ann isn't it but thanks for the mellow part!

    Odd...I've also known two "Anns" and they were both mellow and soft spoken.

    my beloved Aunt Anne's real name was Johanah Antoinette. She was always called Anne. My g.friend named her adopted Russian daughter Anne, b/c Anne was reportedly the grandmother of Jesus.

    I am easy going for sure. It has caused me problems in the past/

    My Auntie Ann was an angel here on earth. She was beautiful inside and out.

    I had a very good friend named Ann also, but she was the total opposite of myself. I loved her dearly.She is my Guardian Angel now.

    I was named Juliana ,after Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, b/c all 4 of my mother 's grandparents came here from Holland. But, unfortunately, I've always been called Julie, b/c when I went to kindergarten, my mom told everyone to call me Julie, b/c my grandma said Juliana was too big a mouthfull. In fact, my grandma called me Lovey and got the whole neighborhood calling me Lovey. So, I was Lovey, untill I went to kindergarten.

    ed shank

    What a cool name. Lovey.

    " Yes! I was named after my father, also a (PANDA) ! "

    My name was going to be "Beverly", but my mom changed her mind and named me after a good friend of hers at nursing school in New York.  My middle name, though you didn't ask, is Kay. honoring  my dad's father, whose name was "Kerop". (Armenian)

    ed shank

    Nice to know something about your families heritage. I know nothing about my Bio fathers side of the family. Never met him, the only thing I was ever told was that he was from Norway and was a pr**k.

    That's cool that you're part Armenian. They're a nice bunch of people....and good looking too. Our beloved dentist who we had for a long time---both his parents came from Armenia. He was born here.

    ed shank: I never met my grandfather; he was killed in an accident before my parents met. I've heard he was THEEE nicest person. His wife was not as lovable; I don't remember her; she died when I was 3.
    I wish your family had told you something nice about your bio-dad. He had to have had something that was lovable to your mom.

    mycatsmom: thanks! Those are very kind words. Armenians get some raw deals here, but there is a story that, if true, explains why.
    It is unusual to meet someone who was actually born in "the old country" many were murdered during the Ottoman Empire massacre that "never happened" (a little holocaust pre-game show, not to be vulgar)

    My father claimed he named me after Roy Rogers' neices' horse...lindi lou.

    ed shank

    I've been called a horses ass a few times. How would one find out that information? His nieces horse?

    I was named not after a person but a County in England.

    Named after my Dad THOMAS.

    St. Vincent De Paul, paul is my middle (Confirmation) name.  My Birthday is on his feast day.

    I was named after my Mom. Her name was Elizabeth and my name is a variation of that - Lizbeth.


    My grandma's name was Elizabeth. She was called " Lizzy " but she didn't like it.

    My hubby calls me Lizzy too!

    Now Jean-paul means "God's Grace" and Paul means "small or humble." Sometimes parents name their children for one reason, and the person becomes the person that the name implies. I guess that is why numerology also plays such a major role in child naming and such.  Paul was my dad too and he was a professor of Anatomy, and a very large man physically. He had several other names which probably made him what he was :).

    Andrea is a man, and my mother desperately wanted a boy, and she had a boyfriend called "Andrew" when she was 6, so rather than let on to my dad, she named me such which means  manly and beautiful and dared. "manly, virile" is also used. 'Man, warrior; manly. Then the more feminine side would be the Latin meaning "Womanly" or "Beautiful Lady". She is steadfast and confident,honest and reliable.A tower of strength for those she cares for and a rock to the family. So my mother got what she wanted, and I am cursed because I think like a man and have the body of a female and I have to do the job of a man most often and I don't accept rubbish from anyone especially since I believe in the freedom of expression (that comes with being a teacher) and human rights and everything that respects others.

    And I do not believe in power struggles either, its in the politics and policies practiced here in SL. The most frustrating about being named after someone is that all the males who have lost their boyfriends who are called "Andy" beseech their lovers return, so I am an agony aunt on my network as well.I also get inundated with females who want to bed me :). Too old for either!



    HI! When we were dating, my ex-husband and I talked about what we would name a child. We both immediately said "Andrew"....strong and manly. Sometimes I think that was the only reason we married each other. We had two more sons, "handsome and cheerful", and "obviously from outer space". :D

    @Bob/PKB Lucky you!. Handsome no doubt if the mum is anything to go by :). Don't worry about the outer space, there is plenty of time for them to come down to earth and I sincerely hope not in the near future either :).

    My dad named me after "glory hallelujah" he was so glad he finally got a girl!


    glad I don,t have to try and fit your second name on

    Lammie, is that really you? How are you feeling? not in to much pain? Sooo good to hear from you!

    If twins were born. The first was named John and the second was named Jim. Does that mean Jim was born AFTER John. Ha

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