    how to say idiot in samoan

    0  Views: 2730 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    How to say idiot in any language!  Except Samoan, apparently.  Sorry about that. 
    Language Phrase Meaning
    Arabic (moroccan) Hmar kelb tfou Annoying idiot
    Arabic iraqi Ethwel Idiot
    Arabic iraqi Maynoon Idiot
    Arabic iraqi Hackkbal Idiot
    Argentine boludo big bolls (idiot)
    Armenian Chent Idiot
    Australian dill idiot
    Australian ya bluming bafoon! you stupid idiot!
    Australian Fuck Muppet complete idiot
    Australian Fuckwit An idiot
    Austrian Koffer Idiot
    Austrian Depperter Idiot
    Austrian foitrottl complete idiot
    Bahasa melayu Palui Idiot
    Bavarian blaeda depp stupid idiot
    Belarusan Pizdabol' Idiot
    Bengali tu ekta bandar Your a dumbass/monkey/idiot
    British plonker dumbass, idiot, penis
    Bulgarian Tapak Idiot
    Calabrese sminchiato idiot / stupid
    Canadian "Hoser" (see the movie Strange Brew) Loser, idiot, moron
    Canadian You hoser! Idiot!
    Cantonese Kai zi Idiot
    Catalan Curt de gambals Idiot
    Chavacano (zamboanga, philippines) Pendeho Idiot
    Chavacano (zamboanga, philippines) Torpe Idiot
    Colombian pendejo idiot, asshole
    Creole (Mauritian) plok poner idiot
    Creole (Mauritian) Caca liki shit/idiot
    Creole (Mauritian) Graine Idiot
    Creole (Mauritian) bourik reyer idiot
    Cuban Come pinga Idiot
    Cypriot karakiozi really idiot bastard
    Czech voleh asshole/idiot/dude/ox
    Czech Vole (lit. you bull) Idiot
    Danish Klaphat Idiot
    Danish Din dumme idiot You stupid idiot
    Dutch (Holland/Belgium) Oetlul Bloody idiot
    England arse-hole an idiot
    English Dumbcunt An idiot
    Esperanto idioto idiot
    Faroese Kraft idiot Fucking Idiot
    Farsi Kos maghz idiot
    Filipino Tanga Idiot
    Filipino putaragis ka your bitch and idiot
    Finnish Vitun urpo Fucking idiot
    Finnish Idiootti Idiot
    Firefly Nee mun doh shr sagwa Idiots. All of you.
    Flemish (belgium) Onnozelaar Idiot, wanker
    Flemish (belgium) Tettekop Idiot (lit. boobs head)
    Flemish (belgium) Kalf Idiot (lit. calf)
    Francais (quebec) Crisse de cave fucking idiot
    French Connard Idiot
    French Debile Idiot
    French Tu es con You're an idiot
    Ga kwashia idiot
    German dumme Kuh idiot (lit. dumb cow)
    German Depp Idiot
    German Du bist ein volltrottel You're an idiot
    Hebrew Tistom tapeh yanaal Shut up idiot
    Icelandic F viti Idiot
    Icelandic H lfviti Half-wit, idiot
    Indonesian Blo'on Idiot
    Indonesian geblek/bodoh/tolol/goblok idiot
    Indonesian goblok idiot (harsher than blo'on)
    Italian cretino idiot
    Jamaican Ediat Fool or idiot
    Japanese Baka Idiot
    Japanese aho idiot
    Japanese Urusai Baka Shut Up Idiot
    Japanese Baka tare Complete Idiot / Moron
    Japanese baka idiot
    Japanese baka-ne you idiot
    Japanese Baka Buso Idiot Bitch/ Stupid Bitch
    Kiswahili Shenzi Idiot
    Lowland Scots Fuckin' erse Fucking idiot
    Lowland Scots Fuckin' rocket Idiot
    Lowland Scots bawheid idiot
    Lowland Scots eejit idiot
    Malay Kepala hotak kau You're an idiot!
    Mandalorian Di'kut Idiot
    Mandarin bundun idiot
    Montenegrin Maragun Idiot
    New zealand prick a real idiot,asshole
    Northern irish Eejit Idiot
    Northern irish Twat Female Idiot
    Northern irish tube idiot
    Norwegian Jævla Idiot! Fucking idiot!
    Ojibwe Boonoo Idiot
    Ojibwe Kaawiin Kiin Animush No You Fucking Idiot
    Ojibwe Ankii Your An Idiot
    Ojibwe Kii Idiot
    Papiamentu lolo idiot
    Persian (Farsi) khar idiot
    Persian (Farsi) Bisho'ur idiot
    Persian (Farsi) Khak too Saret Idiot / Shame on you
    Polish Idiota Idiot
    Portuguese Burro de merda!, Burro do caralho! Fucking idiot!
    Portuguese Toto idiot, dumbass
    Portuguese (brazil) retardado / idiota retarded / idiot
    Punjabi Chutiyaa Idiot, Asshole
    Punjabi Puddu Idiot
    Pushto Dawoos idiot
    Pushto dalaal idiot
    Quebecois maudit sans-dessein fucking idiot
    Romulan dha'rudh Idiot, moron. A severe insult.
    Scottish Bampot Idiot
    Shanghai gang du idiot
    Shona (zimbabwe) Rombe Idiot
    Shona (zimbabwe) Nzenza Over-laughing Idiot
    Shona (zimbabwe) zirema good for nothing. idiot
    Siciliano Scimunitu Idiot
    Siciliano Babbu Idiot
    Slovak Jebem ta ty chuj! Fuck you, you idiot!
    Spanish pelotudo (Argentina) idiot, stupid
    Spanish boludo (Argentina) idiot, stupid
    Spanish Aguebado Idiot
    Spanish (mexico) Pinche baboso You fucking idiot
    Spanish (mexico) idiota idiot
    Spanish (spain) Gilipollas Fucking Idiot
    Sundanese ontohod idiot
    Swiss german z'Lommis id Schuel gange Idiot
    Swiss german Zürcher Idiot
    Tagalog Gago Idiot!
    Tagalog (Philippine) tanga idiot
    Tagalog (Philippine) ta' ran' ta' do' idiot
    Thai kwai idiot
    Tunisian Arabic Mnayek Idiot
    Welsh pen bach small head/stupid idiot

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