    Why is it a person can think of all sorts of questions to ask but when he gets on the puter to ask the question the mind suddenly goes blank, is it a past 60thing or does it affect all ages????????????

    +6  Views: 725 Answers: 14 Posted: 13 years ago

    14 Answers

    AW dang!! I already forgot the question!!!..........age..53.


    FIFTY THREE!!!! Jeez,I wish I was 53 again!

    Truth be known Tommyh I'm really only 31 ... with 22 years experience!!Aha!

    Isn't it cool when 50ish is young... I love this place!

    I told my doctor that I thought I was getting Alziemers.He told me to go home & forget about it.

    Seriously tho,it happens to me every day. Do you notice that people say,"Well what you should have said was Blah,blah,blah,etc". I think our reaction time is slower now that we're geriatrics.(I hate being called that,but what are ya gunna do?) Now what were we talking about? oh yeah what to say to some questions............... Sorry...It's gone.I'll think of it tonite.:)


    TOMMY Have a word with Peoplelove .He sounds a good Shrink"

    I'm quick on the draw. No flies on me!

    No flies on you Eggy.(but you can see where they've been.) LOL

    I don't think it's due to age. I feel it's due to inattention at the time. Write what you want to ask down or write the points.


    hey egg, do you really write the points???

    I don't need to.

    I agree with you, eggplant, at least in part. You don't have the freedom of your casual internal mind-working when you place yourself in front of a computer and demand of your mind questions to be asked and read by many other people.

    My problem, if I should call it that... is that I have so many ideas all day long and even in my sleep.  I think of something of a question and then poof!... I have done 20 things in between thinking and typing the darned question is lost. 

    This can't be a good thing.  I need to make notes!


    WEll dont make "Notes on your poor Husband!s back.When he is sleeping.

    The trouble is remembering to write the notes, lol

    I make the notes but forget where I have left them and if I do find them I have lost my glasses... which is sad as I have five pairs... five pairs which I am constantly loosing.

    Not being young I cant speak for those folks. Happens to me all the time at 61 always one more thing I should have done or wanted to do after the computer is off . So you are not alone with this .                                                                                 Bill

    I'm 48 and I get that a little bit. I usually have my question pretty well established before I get on. I prepare and don't try to ask off the cuff. I find writing things out is extremely helpful.   That reminds me, I need to ask another question sometime soon. Let me think........................


    get outta here!

    CHAIN,.....What??! Am I thinking too much for you?? What?

    Well i guess your not alone, i know i'll be hiding my own Easter eggs this year.!!

    It happens to me too. I want to ask questions and then draw a blank. I think it has something to with beeing inactive physicially. I dont forget things when I am active, working outside or walking. Physical activity always gives me more inspiration.


    Absolutely agree.

    "Doc!" the elderly man yelled. "I've lost my memory!"

    "Calm down, sir. When did this happen?"

    The man looked at him, puzzled. "When did what happen?"


    Oh you are so funny.

    And the DOC said WHAT happend?

    NOT ME . As bright as a bulb .Mind you sometimes goes DULL ! then I go out like a Light!!

    This occurs for the same reason you walk into a room and forget why you are there..............

    ed shank

    Me too. I found that if you say out loud the item yoou are looking for, you will be less likely to forget why your standing in a room with your thumb in your a**, feeling like an idiot. Try it.

    Maybe its someone!s else!s "ROOM? Hee

    I've written down questions that I intended to post, but then after reading them again, I see that someone may take them as confrontational, so I don't.

    This is why I like funny Q's and give goofy ans. a lot...less brainpower needed.  I forget so much!  Hate it!


    The King is in pain but will live I hope.
    Congratulations by the way on your 100K
    ( Hey!! that rhymes )

    watch out that rhyming thing becomes addictive, and then you will be afflicted!

    It happens to me, and I am not in that age,  I  think it happens to everyone......mind goes blank talking to a screen,

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