    What talents do you possess that you could trade or barter with in the event the money runs dry?Let's keep sex out of this one...

    ...I know...killjoy!  ;D

    +19  Views: 3225 Answers: 34 Posted: 13 years ago

    Good call on the sex!

    This is fun!

    "What is this thing "SEX" Is it healthy good for you.*I would like some of that.

    lindilou ~ good good question

    lindilou ~ good good question

    Don! Men who cook are just! ;D

    34 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    My favorite game state is “poverty". It inspires all of my creativity to rise-up and slay the dragon of my impoverished state. Overcoming obstacles that stand in my way to coax dollars from the clenched fists of the wealthy. The easy life of modest means and simple day to day dolldrums inviting sleep and idleness…forgetting those days of strident effort until death creeps into the door to disturb your rest no more.  I would rather go to tasks of my own choosing, living life on the ragged edge of reality where every step is toward that goal that leads but to another. …and treasury, I have mine in Heaven. 


    Very Biblical :)"every step is toward that goal (goad) that leads but to a veritable death! :)..
    ed shank

    Robert, cheer up.

    Game state ed

    Good on you Robert..why invest in things that will rust , rot and be forgotion..

    robertgrist? I'm thinkin' this is still the best damn answer any question really...I loves ya bro...straight-up man. :)




    I repaired appliances late and small for twenty years and did quite well by it. I made boats under 30 feet and rigging. I mended fish nets as a child and shelled oysters. I have produced electronic parts, prototypes for industry and precision stamp dyes for the jewelry industry. Produced automated equipment to produce tofu and a nut sheller for macadamia nuts. Produced an optical XY acetylene cutting table to cut Caterpillar Tractor gears automatically from a line drawing. Sonic dog repeller for the Post Office. and on and on and on and on.


    Sounds like there's an inventor in the house!!Gotta love a mind like that!Sounds like a bit o' maritimer in there too....grab the tackle!!!!Thanx for sharing this robertgrist!

    I can't do much that others can't do just as well or better.  Possibly the one thing that might be a little different is play the piano, so I could accompany a soloist or choir; perhaps even give basic piano lessons.  I could also:
    Clean your house. Take out the trash. Sort the recycling.
    Weed your garden. Mow the lawn. Rake the leaves
    Take care of the babies, infants, toddlers, youth, teen.
    Tutor, Teach, Coach, and Counsel
    Laundry and Ironing
    Deal Blackjack   :D
    Make earrings
    Basic electrical
    Listen and Provide a shoulder to lean/cry on.

    ed shank

    Good heavens woman, you sound like the catch of the century. Aren't there any men in your town? I did notice that you do lack mechanical skills though.

    Darling girl!In my utopian world you could be an awesome addition!!!Peace and Love!

    Utopia! With , ed shank, and lindilou, plus all the rest of you. Cool Beans.

    If you did my tax, I'd be more than happy to do return the favor in some other way,I can bake mean triple choc biscuits

    No tax work this year, but count on me in 2014

    Need all the help I can get anytime, will send my shoe box of receipts, not terribly efficient, but I'm always a challenge

    As the guy with the bow tie says in the H&R commercials, "Bring it on". :D

    Oh, Don, you've no idea how much I'd like to hear those words for real.

    I'm artsy and I can paint a house. I sew and cook well. I'm semi-mechanical. I can tend a garden and I can write, There is a lot I could do..................


    You are a keeper!

    Thank you, how sweet..............!

    I am an artist and a potter... I grow vegetables and herbs.  I learned to sew from a master seamstress and I can cook like a gourmet chef.  I also know a lot about domestic animals and nutrition.  I can fix a lot of unfixable things and I problem solve very well. 

    I think some of these talents may be of some use. 

    I also have a brain filled with weird facts... I have no idea why they are stuck there but they are.


    Yeh baby you could start your own town with talents like that! Teacher Nutritionist Analyst Agriculturist Clothier Food production Wow!Spectacular when you line it up like that!

    I have never thought of it that way... dang! I would just like to make a vialble living! Now that would be a concept.

    You're in!!! lus you are a positive person with a great sense of humor..and lest we forget you know a lot about aliens- so if we want to ditch this planet you can help to arrange our move to another galaxy quite easily!!!!

    Put on your red shoes and dance the blues. La la la la la :D

    Besides sex, I cannot think of anything right now.


    You frisky thing you!

    Well in reality, you could procure safe sex items. After all we all get frisky now and again! ANd you good give the younger kids sex education lessons.

    Let the bartering begin, baby! :)

    show off !!

    This exchange is funny. I miss Chiangmai. He’s off somewhere where there is lots of household help. Oh where ... I forget. Doolittle, I hope to see you on this site. Have you moved.

    Medically I can assess what is going on and read lab reports and most radiology films accurately.  First Aid and CPR will be taken care of. Opening and cleaning wounds and choosing the correct antibiotics can be done with some assistance and a PDR.  I can start most and manage all intrarvenous access sites, feeding tubes, ostomy sites and catheters.  I can maintain a trach site and the trach tube itself. I can offer birth control classes, prenatal care, safe labor for mom and baby, vaginal deliveries, and care of Mom and babies.  Deliver chemo and hospice care to cancer patients.  maintain a chest tube.   I can 1st assist, circulate, and pass instruments in an OR. I can place stitches..though one of our sewers would be able to do this better than I. staple wounds. Deliver twilight anesthesia. Deliver all oral, IV and rectal medications  (except for a few cardiac meds- which I could do in a pinch).  Administer medicines and perform vagina cervical inseminations for infertility patients...In short we would need to borrow an anesthesiologist and surgeon and transfer unstable cardiac patients and those who need kidney dialysis. and I can not give radiation for onc patients, or perform Radiologist tests (dont know how to use the machines).  Outside of our "clinic" I can sail and use powerboats, canoes, kayaks, row boats, and rafts.  I can swim. Though Im not licensed for anything but cars I can drive just about everything- though Collen is the best pick along with west-bus to drive trucks.  I like the little kids and teenagers though teaching some subjects I would fall short..I cook a little, hate to clean, and love arts and crafts.  I used to be a good shot with a rifle and am fair with a bow an arrow.   *********BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY: I CAN COMMUNICATE WITH ANIMALS**************************  (In order for me to do a lot of this we will have to aquire pain medication, muscle relaxants and, etc.- but that should not be an issue as I will list everyones medications and barter for them before bartering for clinic supplies.


    Wow my cat needs psychoanalysis and a de"fir"barator..sounds like your the right man for the job..

    Hey Doc! I'm re-reading this...mindblowing is firmly in process as I type my dear..are a force to be reckoned with!! We need you on Sasquatch excursions...we could score one of those cool army gurneys and pack you thru the woods with us all propped up with pillows and such...and chocolate chunk cookies with peanutbutter balls and those little minty merangues that I make..y'know..the ones with crushed up candy canes in 'em?? Anyway...what were we talking about? Oh ya! You are way too cool for the States now so you may as well migrate!! With the Canada Geese!! Yah!! Doo it DooLittle!! I mean Doctor DooLittle!! :)

    Lindi- It would be my honour to be portaged (on pillows and eating sweet treats) to help our Hairy Big Footed Ons!

    Ilike to sew.  I could do mending repairs or make clothing.



    ed shank

    There's a shop that opened nearby recently. The guy reminds me of "Cheech". He makes custom shirts. They cost $400.00 and up. There are still people with money out there. Think shirts fjoel.

    good idea.

    I got a pretty good aim...other than that i guess i'm going


    Oysters and clams don't run all that fast anyway!!!Aha!

    Though you would need to use a rake to get them...they are small and a bullet would probably obliterate them. i can teach people how to rake them.

    Daren you could help with akaQAs 'homeland security' and teach us about the proper use of firearms & how to clean them. This will be important if some thugs come into our site..I mean onto our property trying to take our goods!

    I'm good at shooting,shooting my mouth off that is..

    excellent!!!! what about getting together with Romos and a few others and Deal with the Alcohol (which we should have) Tobacco (which we should have- bad time for someone to quit smoking-especially with guns around and Firearms Peeps- unless they shut down...which would make things easier.

    alcohol , tobacco and firearms ..who's bringing the chips ?

    Good lord ,,,,brain hemo here!!!HAHAHA!

    Daren re your cat- buy a furminater comb-they are awesome! (but expensive) Just let me know when & I'll start the therapy sessions with your cat. Instead of cash, I am agreeable to crashing on your sofa, being fed one meal a day- your choice & don't fret cereal, a slam sandwich, or cold zaa count as meals. Plus I'd like to have bandaids (for me-just incase) and perhaps an afternoon cocktail- sound ok?

    Doo.. i'll even through in a doughnut and my favorite pillow, but the remote control is off limits as well the toilet..P.S. bourbon,scotch or wine ?

    daren- rum,wine, ore can have the remote...pls. tell me you have a resepticle for me to do my business in-other than the cat boxLOL

    Sorry about the toilet thing we did just recently get in door plunbing..

    You kill it, I will grill it!

    Don't want to put anyone to sleep, but there is nothing that I have ever made an effort to do, that I was not successful at. My problem has always been that reguardless of what I was doing, I eventually got bored with it and tried something else. Money was never the motivating factor to move on to something new.


    Ahh, a "Jack of all trades!" Well then you are akaQA's professor of everything useful.
    ed shank

    doolittle,They don't call me Dr. Ed for nothin.

    My apologies I didn't know you were called Dr ED


    I could do about anything mechanical, electrical or plumbing when I was able, adviser I guess.


    That is a definite plus!

    I knew a man many years ago, a poster-child in his day, who became a Music Professor and teacher of all instruments tho' he could hold narry a one in his hands as he was born with debilitating cerebral palsy condition...we can do anything with talents but the best is to pass them along through teaching whether with the voice or hands or both!!I 'guess' you'd be an awesome teacher!
    ed shank

    Bet there's no dummies in your family. "Father teach your children well".

    sounds good, I'm a great listener

    I'm good at repairing and building things. A lot more than most people.



    Making modest, but delicious meals with few ingredients...So I'll cook.  :)


    Cooking is good!

    I could help tend the gardens and keep watch over well-behaved children

    I could wire up your 3pin plug top.and hang your chanderlier,


    You must be psychic 'cause I need those very things to occur in my life!! Well...except the part about the chandelier....oh..and what, dear boy, is a 3pin plug top? (blink)(blink) ;D

    Its a standard 13 amp 3pin plug top like you have on an eletric kettle etc,

    Well then you are a clever and a useful lad aren't you?? You are going to come in handy hector!! ;)
    p.s. How's the Bulldog? ;)

    Hes ok linilou,hes a year old today,OCT,the 1st,

    Happy Birthday William you wrinkly soft-faced dearheart!!! Big snuggle and a gazillion pats for you boy!! Wadda good dawg!!! ;)

    Three-pin plug top?

    or is that a 3 plug pin top?

    3 top pin plug!

    Music performance, Cooking.. I can't think of anything else, I am in sales so that's usless, I am in marketing  - That too is useless.  So I know people will always need to eat and music will be with us for eternity, or at least until the Mayans prediction comes true this year..  :)




    Sales and marketing makes you an excellent barterer and networker!

    Cool!! Then I'm ready. :)

    Uh, when was or is that Mayan prediction? Has it passed?

    Apparently, the Mayans were wrong! So we have 3.5 more years of this. (put your thinking cap on) LOL!

    You could teach Sales & Marketing. Everybody in any kind of a business anywhere, does it everyday and most would be more successful, if they would just ask someone to teach them how to do it better. With a system of bartering, many would starve to death! :)

    I would raise the animals and help with the gardening, providing firewood, repairs to facilities, training of vocational agriculture, if that would help at all.  I do all this for food and beer...


    Oh, darn, you need someone to cook for you!

    Sure, do you make lamb shis-kabob and pilaf?

    Well, of course, and a couple of other Armenian things. I'm not a great cook, but no self-respecting Armenian girl can't make pilaf (mine tends to me extra good).

    "What a catch you both are !" ( ..she exclaimed, knowing, all the good ones are taken...dangitall!) ;(

    Holiday Pilaf, with raisins in it?

    Haven't done that before, but happy to oblige!

    I did trade food for English lessons just to keep the daughter fed while having to camp out in a friends sitting room until the tenants left. I also traded a caftan for a Gramaphone head (How to spell . The word above "Gramaphone" is the correct spelling for the word. It is very easy to misspell a word like Gramaphone, American gramophone) because it was in a flea market in California. So you can trade many things or gadgets or services for something else. It's the needs  and wants that count  and yes, you can omit sex.


    You can come to my town... I have to start one of my own apparently! :)

    @fishlet, will let you know when I have finished my karma cottage in the hills and set up one with or for you :)


    LOL, I can shut one eye and keep one eye open without squinting!


    So you would be the entertainment?

    ... or the sharpshooter.

    That could work too. :)

    ROFLMHO! Cuteness gene is in the house disguised as Bunkin!! hee hee! ;D
    country bumpkin

    Haha, too funny!

    a 24 hr. babysitter, she will keep an eye on them!!

    Bunkin ... ha ha. ho ho. I can just see her now all swaddled in pink. Her middle initial would be "P" (as in pie, of course)

    LOL country pie bunkin!!! LOL! itsmee!!! I love you! ;D

    lindilou: We are soul sisters, sweetie ~ <3 <3

    i can turn the light swich on and off, for you would you take me, please


    Definitely a bonus position in my Utopion dream my friend!Peace.

    I will recite the alphabet backward, upside down, and sideways while rollerskating and wiggling my ear and like Miley, I can wiggle my rear. (This will be deleted. I just know it.)


    I am very good at "Crawling ! Not much of a talker .Would like to be alas to "Shy" I can "Sing" like a Canary! in the "Jail house Colleen was the warden with her two little dogs as "Security Guards" She taught me the "Birdie song being a Bird owner. She liked to Whip me with her "Rhythm Stick" Tweet Tweet .


    Humor is good ...yes a little dowsa humor is good for Utopions!Peace!!

    I'm no domestic fix-it guy. Anything that doesn't quite run properly will be rendered totally useless if I get my hands on it,especially plumbing. That's why I call the experts in whenever domestic house duties are needed. Besides, it's good for the local economy.

    However, show me a business that is under-performing or next to bankruptcy, and I'm in my element. I've been doing it for many years and still find it motivating. Once the mission is accomplished, I move onto the next. There is never a shortage.

    Need a paint job ? Sorry, I have a ball game to attend.




    Aha...a hatchet man! Look comes the "restructuring" guy! :( Did you see "Up in the Air" with George Clooney?

    I did watch it. But I don't collect quite as many "air miles" as our friend George.

    Enough local people to fire? :)

    That's a very small part of the task. Improving processes is 90% of the solution. The occasional removal of deadwood is always a wise practice and is always appreciated by the "keepers".

    I know it is...I know some "keepers". Come to think of it, I've also worked with some of that deadwood. :)

    Money worthless means gold is expensive.Taken care of that.

    I can sew, fairly good cook. Can keep up my end of conversation. Given a manual an a lot of time and of course the right tools can fix most things around house. And I love to make up stories. I feel I'm grasping at straws.    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change!   yes i am praying.


    And so dearheart am I !!!It's all in the syntax and i see a seamstress/tailor ;chef/nutritionist :mediator/negotiator;storyteller;spiritual guru (y'know...the praying part)and fixer-upper of things or builder/repairer!!Sounds like a stacked deck to me baby!!Peace!

    I think we should all live together in one big mansion like a big extended family. 


    Funny funny man!!! Send me the address...I'll start loading my gardening gear...xox

    One big dysfunctional family, that is...

    I have always wanted to do that! We'd have to be selective to avoid problems.

    So where to set up?

    I think the North coast of California is beautiful and pretty much uninhabited. Gualala and Irish Beach would be good choices. I've been to many many rentals on vacation in that area. Actually, any place on the coast of California is wonderful. Unfortunately, it is only for the wealthy. See also Moro Bay, Montana De Oro. : (

    The Mattole River then? But we'll have to make arrangements with the hippies and Nam vets there...we can't touch the plants!!! LOL

    I like Yreka, CA. It is north of Mt Shasta 20 miles. Medford oregon is 35 miles north on I-5. The snow fall is lighter with global warming. Grape vineyards are a booming industry. Pot growing is legal and controlled. Crime low. Housing is generally low priced compared to city life. Shopping locally and in Medford is great. Land taxes here is significantly lower than Oregon. Local government is corrupted. 1 Catholic church, 200+ other churches. College near-by. High speed Internet via cable is $70.oo per month that I wi-fi. The chickens pay their own way in eggs.

    I wish. I wish. Yreka is great. I only spent one night there but it was enough to know. Robert, are you going to do this for real? My husband and I might tag along.And if we did go, we'd do our share. lindilou looks like she might go for it. We need to talk. How?

    I am currently sitting in a hospital lobby in the kabooming metropolis of Vancouver while my child awaits the 2nd phase of spinal fusion, 1st phase was yesterday afternoon with discectomy(removed and replaced 4 of the discs in the middle of her back) followed by nearly total spinal fusion in the morning so I am not travelling anywhere soon but here ... meanwhile when I have the free time....well...I could visit???? I love Cali!

    Lindy, we are praying for her recovery. My mom had spinal fusion some years back, when she was young, got pushed off of a swing while it was moving, and broke her back. They took a chunk of her hip to fashion some vertebrae brace to fuse a few together. She went on to have 6 kids and raise them with little trouble. Good luck with your daughter...

    Yes I’m on Facebook too. If your really interested in coming out here the Real estate ads in this area are all puffed up beyond the facts usually. If you need a job you should bring it with you. I am in the phone directory here. So I’m not difficult to track down by anyone. The medical issues, I have plenty of those myself, like you. Sandy has Post Polio so I take care of the heavy lifting,shopping and trades. She’s deeply involver in arts and crafts. And I'm Into my shop making tools and such, repairs and just being a nuisance reflecting my youth….I am 68 you know.

    robertgrist:I will call you. I don't have facebook. My husband and I have talked about a move. I think he would do it. He's retired and has said I'd suffer culture shock. I'm in the process of submitting a proposal for a newspaper column. If it works, it would give me a little bit of $$. It's something that can be done from home.

    lindi: I didn't know about your daughter. This is a difficult time for the two of you. Hugs, sis. : ) <3 <3

    Thanks for your good wishes for my little lady...xox LL

    I would LOVE to live in Yreka and so would my retired man. We are tied to Fresno by three little grand girls. I dunno. Yreka is just our speed. I have driving phobia so I'm kinda stuck.
    We have just started our search of Yreka. Do I sound confused?

    Fresno: Our PG&E was $400. Air and water are BAD. Crime is terrible. Yreka looks safe and would be a place where I could drive.
    This plan will probably stay in our minds as something we want to do but can not do. Don't know. Thinking. I haven't checked but I can well imagine that housing is not expensive like on the coast. Moving has always been fairly simple for us. We're kinda gypsies. : )

    robertgrist - sounds just amaxing - just like you.

    I can develop individual programs to assist  people, assess there value and report, I can help anyone with a physical or developmental disability, I can develop strategies and intervention techniques, I like to cook and garden also, but I dare say if I had the time I could be fairly self sufficient, not much good at mechanical repairs though, but would be happy to swap a car service for a meal or some fruit and veg.



    Not Baa-aa-ad Lambie! If I had a Utopia you'd always be welcomed!!!I love that you help people with disabilities as my child is such a one!Thanks for responding ! :)

    ...all apologies for generalizing...all the psychiatric nurses (and their are alot of them) in my family are all mad as hatters!!!!Maybe it's a phenom of the North!? :)

    lindilou that's o.k, not offended, I love my job and my "special" people, they horrify, terrify, and intimidate, they can and are often violent, I guess I get a bit defensive at times, and on reflection, after working with them for this long, I'm not quite sure who the sane ones are!!lol

    P.S would love to be part of your Utopia,I'm sure your child is much loved and taken care of, I maybe have the pleasure of meeting one day

    lambshank: I would be happy to do your taxes for you! I would love some good intervention strategies for my sons and the girlfriend with whom the eldest has two children and one on the way.
    Let's talk! :D

    Bob, sounds like a deal to me, oh what happens when we need to think outside the square, we all have a lot to offer each other xx

    " Since I have to leave out (SEX) ! that rules me out ." " BUMMER" . :(


    Hey you've got a sense of humor and I'll take that over a sad-sack anyday and besides, I only requested that the sxy comments be ruled out in this forum and not in real life,so aside of any opinion,all is not lost my friend!

    Yu can come and teach sex ed with chiangamal, procure safe sex item, and what the heck, "adult movies"

    I think I’d have a group of women who would discuss the problems of the day. Each would bring their best hints. We'd discuss job ideas. Cheap, nutritious cooking, keeping a clean environment.. Each week we’d have a different topic for discussion.

    To make $$, I’d open my home to a preschool, daycare again. The kids have to go somewhere when both parents work.  It’s good money ... but who knows what good money would mean if the money runs dry.

    I could help out doctors and emergency rooms.

    Good good question lindilou/ 


    Update: 8/06/2013 

    I’d organize a neighborhood watch. I’d open my house for discussions about how to go forward. We’d figure out what the needs of our small community are and help in that way. Each person has skills. We’d use them for the good of all.


    You are a precious commodity itsmee...I,d hire you in a second flat...and I would trade with you..I could clean up the yard or house...I'm a gardener so I could create larger gardens etcetera...beautification baby...while you beautify our most important aspect...the kids!! xoxox (((BIG HUG)))

    Alas, none what so ever. It's been a constant trial my whole life.


    Adversity can be a daunting taskmaster,you probably function well under pressure...which is an awesome attribute if a hero is needed!!!

    Believe me when I say, you're too kind.

    well then bigeben, I guess you could be a reliable constant

    I'll fix that wobbly step on your back porch if you cut my grass.I hate mowing!


    I'll get the Goats Tom! ;D

    No thanks! I tried goats once.They ate everything but the bloody grass!

    I live with a mental illness.


    Most of us least that is my experience.Often in life those things that test us make us stronger!A hidden talent could be something as simple yet crucial as possessing a little understanding...Some psychiatric nurses and doctors possess a mental disorder of some kind...they seek healing for self as well as others!It is often due to mental illness (perhaps of self or loved ones) that they are in the field at all!!Peace.You are not alone!

    a wee bit of generalizing lindilou, I work with psychiatric clients, like to think I'm a little bit sane

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