Will you be able to adjust to the coming crisis..........
19 Answers
Complain to my bank, with a big F*****G SHOTGUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
Its over when the Mexican cartels will no longer accept American dollars for their products. We will barter and survive . Some will steal and many will be in a very bad way . Those who are prepared to do anything will survive for awhile until the ammo runs out . Those who are living close to the edge now will fare the best as its not a long way to the bottom . Those who live on their credit cards will be hit the hardest as its a long way to the bottom from there . Other economy's money has collapsed so this is not a new thing look what happened to them and that is what will happen here . We are Americans first and foremost we wring our hands in times of trouble sometimes and then there are those who stand up and do what it takes to make this country survive . What ever comes we will survive ,a big house cleaning is in order and many will be going back to God ,the rest will do what we have always done SURVIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Live of the land. But the problem will be the gas and oil prices, that Obama so convinently ignores to promote his green energy plan. I think we will have to get ready to buy byicicles while there are still any to be had. I think the barter system is a good idea.Also, are we printing more money to give to other countries? That is what makes our money worthless. This Government is totally out of touch with reality.
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I think that's what will happen if the government keeps printing money to pay off debt.
It's just paper backed by nothing, here in the USA and would wide as well.
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
The Federal Reserve is privately owned....and one day, you will be, too.
It certainly would be nice to have that option to print money to pay your lenders, although its a catch 22, the more you print, the less its worth, you will never pay it off. So as others have said-- barter. maybe Obama and future electives will trade off some of our land to pay its debts.. I'm in California, I am sure the many leftist here have no problem being owned by China.. LOL
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Financial disaster began for me when that ex-demon-infested narcissistically-disordered schlameil of a sperm-donating bats-turd decided that a change in his lifestyle was needed as the stresses of his adjustment to fatherhood disorder were causing him to desire a life with a mistress named crak and a master called Jack[yes...Daniels].Lest I digress,my first opportunity to exit,intact,with the kids was taken [can I get a whoop whoop?] and when the hard boiling reality sank in that I was living now as a single income maw in a duel economy world well...I realized that when the world seems to hand you shit the best thing you can do,no,the only thing to do is to pick up a shovel and dig yourself a garden...and that's exactly what I did at our little beach-shack rental in the backyard here eleven years ago...and it has worked beautifully to cut costs as well as make them miss me all summer and fall at the produce section!So take heart people and plant some tomatoes and spinach...maybe a little beans and carrots or some sugarsnap peas in pots on your deck...and now I'm hungry again!!!!
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
You have spunk !
Well, what a relief No more bills!il Barter and trade...or form a self sufficient community where everyone contributes different talents to create a well rounded community- like a Kibbutz. And of course cooperative animals to help out- porting water, digging fields, to obtain wool and llama wool from to knit. chickens foe eggs, cows for milk....etc
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
IT IS RIGHT NOW.... I went in to 3 different banks this week to try and cash a $29,000 check, I wanted cash back for it and each teller looked as if I was nuts and told me," We don't keep that kind of cash on hand...." This is a friggin bank for crying out loud. It takes them a week to get the money so I can cash it. Whats up with that????
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

I have seen walls in old houses that were papered with worthless stock certificates. The Fed can and has declared certain currency series to be worthless after a specific date. That is usually done if counterfeit bills are circulated so profusely that they become as common as real money. As is our money is backed by oil so the production of alternative energy devices would seem to undermine our economy.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
We have some nice response here but I challenge anyone to go a week without using cash for something, gas, electric, water, food, medicine, ect. it all takes money nowdays. The barter system would work for somethings but if your older like me all your barter is in the bank.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Its already worthless. Petrol just went up by 30 in SL, therefore cost of living +++ food, vegetables, one fisherman was shot in the head because they came out to protest against being deprived of their livelihood and being in the North where the recent war ended, they have no other means of sustenance since no vegetables and the modern invention of motor boats have taken away their paddle oars. One cannot increase ones rates because everyone is affected. The only things of value are land, ones health and ones beliefs and those will remain, no matter what turnaround, money does to one.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
It's good to look at the other side... :)