    how do I feed my monster?

    +1  Views: 837 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers

     I am assuming it is a moshi monster, click here >>>>

    The under the bed monster love crumbs of any kind but prefer chip or cookie crumbs the best. You can attract them by hiding under your covers with a flashlight.


    monster  food of course. I suppose how much depends on size of monster.

    What Monster??   What calms the beast?  Does it need to be euthanized to keep the peace?   Feeding a monster is never a good idea.  Never.

    Ice cream sundaes with hot fudge sauce....You will have to eat most of it to convince him it relly tastes good. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a glass of milk, salty snacks with soda, and cookies- lots and lots of cookies.  Monsters like to be told stories about frogs when they eat.

    If it,s just an every day, run of the mill type monster just give it plenty of space, shove the plate under it,s nose and stand well back

    Oh my precious should be feeding the goodness within you instead. Don't give up.

    Be specific when you ask your monster,    "regular or monster mash"

     Mine which is a gourmet likes frogs,flies,gnats,fat grubs (in season of course) but do be careful not to spoil it. I'm having quite a problem, mine has asked for a tattoo of all things. Can you imagine...the cost.

      Radioactive Pizza with every thing?""


    You're welcome

    Send us a photo of your monster

    who? Depends on what the monstrous urge is, and whether it involves another person, if it is within yourself, don't do anything that the authorities find unacceptable, you could end up in prison. If it is just food, then you have to find out what the monster needs. Some people have a monstrous madness for money, then if this is it, a job is recommended, and robbing a bank nowadays is almost impossible ;) Any monstrous desire can be fed but it is a lot of hard work for yourself. Cut down on the monstrosity, and the needs and feeds are also reduced :). If said as a joke against mother or wife, stuck with both I am afraid.


    Music soothes most monsters :) Cookie Monster sesame street, cookies.

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