10 Answers
If you are over 50 years old and have been a coffee drinker for a long time then that is the trouble...coffee can strip away the tender lining of the stomach causing severe distress and even dry heaves and can evolve into a feeling of spasms in the tummy.To relieve this distress try drinking a glass of warm water with half a lemon squeezed into it every morning when you get up and if you must have coffee have a nice dark-roasted decaf although peppermint tea or Krakus or Postum would be better.Smoking can distress the stomach so don't smoke.Also, buggered up bellies should be fed some protein for breakfast so have a couple of poached eggs and dry toast for breakfasts or fish or even a steak if you can afford it.Also we don't eat enough greens in winter and a good substitute is Bitters which can be very healing in moderation but lots of green leafy veggies are excellent for the tummy so eat more salads,lettuce,spinach,collards,dandelion greens etc.and teas like Licorice root and chamomile.Peace and Love and heal that belly!!!
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I felt like that everymorning in Jr. High, which they call midde school now. Try going to school like that for 3 years ! It seemed to be nerves. My parents made me go to school like that,........mainly b/c I wasn' tthrowing up. I was suppressing it b/c I had a fear of throwing up. I didn't eat much lunch at school b/c of the nausea. Consequently I got run down due to malnourishment. So, I got mono. It's surprising I didn't get a whole host of diseases . H.S. was a little better. But , even into adulthood, II always got nauseus whenever I was nervous .....which was often . I finally outgrew it in my thirties. You should go to a G.I. doctor adn get some tests done. If they're all negatlive, you should get counceling for your nerves. I also think if you smoke a lot, especailly right before you go to bed and when you wake up, that could contribute to nausea. Ditto for drinking
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |