    Went grocery shopping today ,found in my cart a Apple Smart phone. Called the first number on it MOM and gave my contact info to give the phone back . Got a call in about 45 mins the ladys husband is on the way to pick it up . Opinions ??? what would you do ??

    All done phone given back . No reward offered !!! Just a thanks !!

    +4  Views: 1484 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: kindness

    I woulda taken you out for a gutbomb and fries there burly bluesman!!

    Thanks but my days of eating like that are done ,too many things wrong with me to accept that . I am grateful for your good thoughts and back in the day I would have accepted that in a heartbeat . Thanks Bill

    14 Answers

    2 years ago, I saw a cell phone in the street. I debated what to do about it, and then I thought that somebody might really be missing it; for some, it's a lifeline. The phone was locked, but there was a paper inside the case with some apparent contact numbers. On the second, I asked if this was "so and so", told her I found a phone,  and asked if  she knew anyone that has a cell phone who might live in the area where I found it. She said she had a friend, Norma, whose phone it might be. She contacted Norma who contacted me and she was so grateful. She really didn't know if I was "safe", so we met in Burger King. She kept thanking me and I kept telling her "you're welcome." I said goodbye and started to walk away when she came after me with $25 in her hand, which I said I couldn't accept. I reluctantly took it. She just wouldn't take no for an answer, and she told me that my parents would be proud that they raised such a fine son. I know this is getting mushy, but it "made both our days."


    we can do mushy here!

    Mushy is a good thing.

    Mushy yes,! And your mama DID SO raise an excellent man!

    I would have done the same thing. 


    Was the only thing to do .

    I would have turned it into the store office or manager.  In fact, I have done so.

    Meet in a public place and get him to phone the phone you have on his phone just to make sure he really is the husband.  Then take yourself out for a nice meal... you deserve a treat.

    I'm sure the guy is going to be very thankful. If he offers a reward, I would decline it, assuming you didn't have to go out of your way to contact them to get it back to the owner.

    Do not be alone and meet in a public venue just to be safe.Peace and kudos to you for your quick response.I know that many folks rely upon their phones for many things other than texting so be pleased that you've saved someone a whole pile of grief!!!


    I am a cross between Hoss Cartwright and Grizzley Adams so that's not a concern I have .

    I agree<, meet him in a public place r have a man answer your door and dont let him inside.  Very nice of you to call someone to let them know you have the time I would turn it in to the store manager.


    It often gets lost doing that . Besides it was my good deed and the karma is mine . Thought about that after the fact . But its over and some people caught a lucky break when those are hard to come by these days

    Yes multiple Karma Points!!!! You are a kind person!!!

    bluesman, I wish I could send you a bushel of apples right now.  You've earned the honor of "Good Neighbor O' the Day"!



    Thanks !!! Now this I believe my Doctor would let me have . I was pleased that I could do that for this couple . made my day . Bill

    SOOO, How did it go???


    Sooooo, we want to know!

    Fine they got the phone back and were happy . I would have refused a reward if offered ,but all that was given was a handshake and thanks for a 500.00 phone and their life back . Oh well! It would have been nice to hear the words ,but they did not come . Now I know I have good Karma and thats fine

    And OUR bluesman Bill did the right thing! And he is safe and back with his aka family!!

    KUDOS TO BILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Honesty is always a good thing.

    get a harmless suit like what MMA trainers use when their students beat the poo outta them because that guy might beat you....just saying


    Thanks for being concerned for my safety. It was unnecessary nice polite young man showed up and got his wife's phone said thank you and was on his way

    You are an honest man and you did a good deed. You schould be proud of yourself.

    I think you have definitely done the right thing........

    Good deed.

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