3 Answers
It was one of the best speeches I've ever heard. A leader who will defend their right to exist, and destroy any threat to harm it's people. I think the President has been put on notice that they aren't playing games anymore. Strange how 12 hours after the speech Iran has once again allowed the nuclear inspectors into their top secret facility.
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
He seemed to talk more on Israels problems with the Palestinians and dithered over the problem with Iran. One things for sure, they won,t be forced into doing anyone elses bidding.
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Personally I think they,re wrong.
I think that there is a strong possibility that he will. The problem is that Isreal doesn't have the capabiltiy of stopping Iran's neuclear program because: it is so dispersed, it's at the far end of their bomber range, and they are well protected underground, at least, some are. What an attack will do is draw us into it and raise gas prices to an unacceptabely high level. And fighting a war with Iran is a different kettle of fish from Iraq because they have a sophisticated and large military. Then to there is the inevetable rise in terrorist because this is like bees to honey and it will suck in the rest of the middle east and what a mess you will have.
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |