    After Netanyahus speech at AIPAC last night, do you think he has made up his mind to attack Iran?

    +3  Views: 760 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    It was one of the best speeches I've ever heard. A leader who will defend their right to exist, and destroy any threat to harm it's people. I think the President has been put on notice that they aren't playing games anymore. Strange how 12 hours after the speech Iran has once again allowed the nuclear inspectors into their top secret facility.


    By letting the the nuclear inspectors into Iran actually might proove that they are not building nuclear weapons. If that prooves true, than there wont be a reason to attack Iran and a war will be averted.
    ed shank

    We all pray that is the case, but they have a lot of bad history. Nobody wants to see the innocent die.

    He seemed to talk more on Israels problems with the Palestinians and dithered over the problem with Iran. One things for sure, they won,t be forced into doing anyone elses bidding.


    I guess we wiil have to wait and see. The Palestinian problem needs to be resolved. It is such a tragety.

    I guess we wiil have to wait and see. The Palestinian problem needs to be resolved. It is such a tragety.

    Been going on for a long long time Ann, nowhere near a resolution, Israel just won,t give up the land they feel is theirs by right.
    Personally I think they,re wrong.

    I agree.

    I think that there is a strong possibility that he will. The problem is that Isreal doesn't have the capabiltiy of stopping Iran's neuclear program because: it is so dispersed, it's at the far end of their bomber range, and they are well protected underground, at least, some are. What an attack will do is draw us into it and raise gas prices to an unacceptabely high level. And fighting a war with Iran is a different kettle of fish from Iraq because they  have a sophisticated and large military.  Then to there is the inevetable rise in terrorist because this is like bees to honey and it will suck in the rest of the middle east and what a mess you will have.


    Our Energy Department is basicially useless. We have Oil and gas and oil shale that could make us energy independent. Our government has been dragging its feet for decades. I agree a war with Iran, could set us back decades and affect everyone for a long time to come. The middle east is still a dangerous place.Iran has had Nuclear power since late 1970s and was supposed to be used for medicine and research only.I hope all this can be resolved without a war.

    I agree. America is a great country, no doubt. But, sometimes it seems to me that we don't see to our best interest until things have reached a dangerously critical point. As you say there is our energy situation and then there are our economic problems that we've known are unsustainable for years. I just don't know ; we seem to have a desire to pull a rabbit out to the hat at the last minute.

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