4 Answers
Since our last supervision session I have mastered two different ramp fire schedules, deveveloped a fine schedule for both honey pot and goblet production, prepared but not fully tested seven different (and new) glaze recipes, mastered goblet making in two different clay bodies, have nearly completed my 1000 pot quest and am planning my next quarter which will include turn around in one venue and summer shows.
I would like a raise. Thank you in advance.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |

Since the last supervision session (I call it State of the Union Address), I am happy to inform you the following positive things that have happened as a result of my administration's hard work for the citizens of this country:
1) Unemployed Americans are gradually giving up hope on finding jobs. When this happens, it makes the unemployment number looks better for my administration (simply put, if less people are now considered unemployed because they quit looking for work, then the unemployed percentage must go down as well! :):)); and
2) Don't worry about the shrinking dollar or lack of money in circulation. We have gone to Plan B: print more money. This way we'll never run out of cash. Please don't let Greece know about this. Those people tend to emulate everything the Americans do. :)
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Well Doc, I was able to eat asparagus without throwing-up all of it, since I learned there are more than 15 cards in the deck I don't loose all the time, and I really believe I have adjusted nicely to the shock treatments because I don't glow like I used to and living in the basement of the farm house ain't so bad anymore. Thankz, you bin soo nice.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |