    The closest to perfection a person ever comes is.................

    when he fills out the job application form.            ~ Stanley J. Randall

    What's YOUR view on this?


    +6  Views: 1020 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    Is being a VIRGO. LOL

    10 Answers

    Everyone wants to play psychologist these days, even job interviewers.  I used to secretly laugh at the "where do you see yourself in 10 years" question.  "Why sir/madam, I see myself right here, working for you, totally devoted to you, your company, your goals, wanting to succeed right along with you, while making only minimum wage, with no health benefits, very few vacation days, and helping to train all of your new employees who continue to replace those who keep quitting here, due to the stress!!!!  Is that the right answer, sir/madam?"

    Never actually said it, so I usually got the job...just thought it!     LOL!!!


    And I learned a lot about problem solving working as a parttime bartender, a once in a while cab driver and fulltime drug tester.

    I did tell the guy who asked that question.
    Well sir in 5 years time i would hope to be asking someone else that same question while sitting where you are now.
    I never did get that job.

    I hate those type of apliication/ interview questions...I hate the "where do you see yourself in 5,10.100years from now" even worse.

    So my answer to your Question : I have actually said "Quite like Mary Poppins I am practically perfect in every way" and then went on to describe certain things I do well and ned to work on a bit.  That one I can honestly promise a commitment to a job for 10 years before I have met with management and the medical team I will working with...not to mention not having been given a clue about salary and benefit- well I cant,  I usually give a nice little speach that if I fit well within the organization and feel my pay, vacation time, benefits. and opportunities for promotion are available that I coulg see myself wanting to work for the company for quite some time.  This works about 85% of the time...the other 15% they just want an unthinking body to stay with them so they don't have to hassle with new hires.  Of course with our economy I may have to change my tactics a biy.


    Much simpler talking to the animals, regardless of whether they talk back!


    Shootah...I will interpret for you..they always respond. Unlike some humans, animals are always polite! Unless you are trying to kill them-hunt, fish, trap.

    .....right before he opens his mouth and sticks his foot in it.. 


    I like that! A lot of truth in those words at times. So much can change in a flash.

    I never had too fill out application for a job, although always felt adequate for the job giving me,Am not perfect, just the same with a little training will almost be perfect for that job.

    in the eye of the person seeing the greener grass on the other side of the fence.

    Nah.  Its right after the little rascal pops out of that birth oven mom has kept you in for nine months.    Everything just goes all to hell after that.


    That was my first thought, but never would have been able to put the words together as well as you did! My vote for B.A.

    Well a job application form is pretty accurate however subject to the way you see yourself, and the degree of honesty in your filling the form. However, the best person to fit the "perfect person" is the person you initially "love" because in your eyes you see no wrong :) therefore the perfect person.

    Ascension. That is the union of personality with the mystery monitor within you. It is the Mystery Monitor that came to you when you made your first moral will decision as a child and is with you now. This world is just the beginning of your adventure.

    Most of my working years was that of a consultant. Never got asked that question as to the best of my recollection.

    in thier own mind.

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