17 Answers
Eat corn chips, watch the movies they got in the $5.00 bin, wear the plastic shoes and stare at their feet as they walk in them, put the bounce sheets in the dryer, put left overs in ziplock bags, hang the mirrors (set of three for $19.99), change the oil in their truck, plan their next vacation based on the Walmart parking lots across America, give the dog a Denta Bone and the cat some Whiskas, water the plant (.99 cents... great deal), eat macaroons (also on sale for .99 cents), play mine craft, put together the $10.00 plastic toy shopping cart for their child that will fall apart in three (count them)... three short weeks, eat the Cadbury Easter Cream eggs... it is that time of year again!, hang the new shower curtains but save the new shower rings for another time, plan on scrapbooking with Shasta-Marie and Lavinea next Tuesday afternoon, drink can after can after can of Diet Pepsi, finish off the Halloween candy, follow that with a couple of Freezies and another can of Diet Pepsi, put new batteries in the flashlight, and sleep.
13 years ago. Rating: 21 | |

Doo be Doo- I shop at Walmart...I get great deals! Some of us can't afford the fancy stores. I shop the second hand stores to Doo Be Doo...because I need too. Then I come home and walk with the cat, stop at the neighbors for a nice little chat. Then I go home and get on this site...and hope I don't get involved in a real nasty fight (debate, discussion) I send messages to Fishy, To Ed, & to you. With Romos I get yet another "Doo IOU"....but I like you all here and so here I shall stay until I hit Walmart and Kmart- by the way. Its 5 in the morning, I havent slept a darn wink, so my mind is a blur and I can't really think. Perhaps I should have a really strong drink.
13 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
They dream of being at walmart??
13 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
They probably hang out at home.
13 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
You just wait 'til I get that extension on the front finished.AS Sonn as I can borrow some timber & nails you won't know the place.
Watch reruns of “Idiocracy” an think…..Big Buy is their future view of Walmart.
Walmart shoppers are having “Walmart” tattooed on their wrist so they have a place to write their shopping list so they can’t loose it and end up wandering around in Walmart until someone walks them to the door.
Dream of the day when Walmart expands into a all you can eat cluster of restaurants as a food court with slot machines and keno tickets.
13 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Many people seem to be having fun at Walmart, Wish there was some of their stores in Ireland.
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
I do dress up when I go to Walmart and I don't look look like the beauty queen on the back of the bike or the girls in the 'kinies...This seems to be an American thing. I have never seen these sites in Walmart here... not once. I feel a bit let down actually.