    My family and I would like to offer our Condolences and Sympathy to the people of MID WEST of AMERICA for the loss of Life homes Our Heart goes out to you I can speak for the people of Scotland . in saying Bless you.

    +6  Views: 750 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    It is absolutely devastating and more expected on Friday.  Condolences from British Columbia as well.


    Was very "Shocked when we heard it sad loss of life.Take care Fishlet.

    When you look at the destruction it is amazing that the loss of lives is not higher. Miraculous.

    Dowsa that is a very kind thought!  It is an odd time of year for tornadoes.  I'd like to add that the East Coast sends condolances too.


    Thank you doolittle So sad

    It's not tornado season (IF there is such a thing) and the high number of tornadoes is unusual, found the site of devastation incredible...will the wonders of nature ever cease?


    NO. Girl so sad feel for them poor people.

    This is terrible and so early in the season too. My heart goes out to all the people who died, the injured and those who lost theire homes. I am glad I dont live in a tornadoe .

    My prayers to all those people who had losses Sadly more storms are in the area. The national weather service has sent a special team to that area.  This is very early and i've heard this will be an especially bad year for tornadoes.

    I'm sorry, please accept my condolences.

    So sad, if I said why I feel these things are happing I would be accused of preaching.............


    How on earth would you know? It's all in your head. Get real. You sound like Harold Camping and he was wrong 4 times. You know nothing more than anyone else. Put your head back on your neck so you can start thinking.
    You suffer from foot and mouth disease. Every time you open your mouth, you put your foot in it!
    Headless Man

    Only time can tell, 30 years or less.....

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