    What does it mean to be republican?

    +6  Views: 950 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    I choose to not associate around liberals=democrats. Those people  have a higher chance to be arrested or have criminal backgrounds. They want something for nothing. They will suck the life out of the economy .  Anybody that wants that muslim as president is a damn fool. Thats what it means.



    doo be doo be doo..Obama is a Christian. Get your facts straight or your entire 'argument' will look silly. I'd also like to know how you got your stats on dem. vs rep. and criminal most criminals do not vote.

    He went to a muslim school and prayed to the koran. He is a muslim , period. He held a muslim dinner at white house. He is doing everything he can to promote muslim activity. I can go on and on. The people that associate with groups like acorn is a good example of criminal behavior and people that vote for obama. How about obama spiritual advisor , rev. wright. Now there is a true american idol, piece of crap. GD America, GD America, GD America. Obama is weak , the weaker americans and illegals overwhelmingly support him .

    If I hug your elephant you can kiss my ass.  (hehehe...leave it to Doo)

    You want this country back. You hate socialism. You want to see Obama practicing for his next job on "The price is right". You want everyone to pay income tax. You want those not willing to work, to die in the gutter of starvation. You will no longer apologize to the world for being American. You will protect the weak, here and abroad.

    In my case, it's getting trashed a lot..........

    Believe in responsibily at home, but do not believe in responsibility abroad.

    A person who walks quietly and carries a big "stick"?



    Bush choose arroganze over humility in his foreign policies. Since than almost every Republican presidential candidate has embraced his philosophy of endless war, exept Ron Paul, Gary Johnson and Jon Huntsman

    Well now, if I ……………………..I can’t imagine that.   

    Make's me want to join the tea party..

    Being a Republican gives me the chance to see the USA from the outside looking in, and I don't like what I see.  Currently being a Republican means: "I love my country but I hate my government.'

    Hopefully we can change this later this year.  Although, I kinda doubt it now seeing what republicans we have been 'assigned' to vote for.

    I always thought of Republican as a bit more conscientious about things than their counterparts. I considered them more structured, more "future" oriented...and by that I mean not as "instant gratification" driven as the other big political group. 
    Republican always meant responsible, taking care of their own problems, working to pay their own bills, put food on the table for their children.
    It was my hope that Republicans would take that income tax bullshxt and pare it down to just about nothing; it wasn't supposed to be still dogging us 60 years later.
    Self-sufficient was how I perceived Republicans, and ones who took the "welfare" programs as opportunities for people to learn trades and become independent and useful citizens. My concept was "give a man a fish and he eats for a day (the other party); teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime" (Republican).  
    I thought of Republicans as honorable, dedicated to the good of the populace and keepers of the Constitution of the United States. 
    As time goes on, I see how very wrong I have been.  

    To be callus ,indifferent,selfish ,inconsiderate , tight fisted ,mean , ruthless ,rich motor home drivin pricks , dufus ,in breed Texas nit wits like George Bush ,humourless ,cold , For all those who elected that idiot Bush thanks for destroying my business and putting me as close to being homeless as I have ever been . If Obama pisses you off too bad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Bush pissed me off beyond anything you feel now .  Obama yes republican no ,             Bill


    W was by far the worst president we've had in my lifetime!

    Umbriel; When you are in charge of everything and no is not a answer you are likely to hear .How drunk or stupid would you have be to do a worse job than Bush did in Louisiana with all those resources at his disposal ? He was and is a disgrace to this nation and to the office he unjustly held . Bush was the biggest idiot to hold that office in the history of this nation . Sorry if you disagree . I stand by my words !

    look it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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