    Is this a real company

    +1  Views: 488 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Is what a real company?

    It would be best for you to check out the BBB (Better Business Borough) Find yours in the yellow pages. You can find out if it’s real and what kind of revues it has received………. 

    Well there are three of us here now so we have company. Did you mean business? I suppose someone is making a buck but I haven’t seen anything for sale. All we do is ask the mob of folk here questions and someone makes a try at answering and we’re glad to help…maybe get to know us and ask questions you may have. It’s like a store frone with a few chairs for furnishings and anyone can ask anything. But we do ask everyone to be polite about it some of us are offended by profanity and that’ll draw a moderator who will boot the offending party out the door.


    If I come back in will that make four?

    Romos, I had no idea you were a politician.

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