    will we work in heaven

    +3  Views: 991 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago

    21 Answers



    WELCOME BACK Fishlet xxxxx

    Don't be making too much noise...I might be resting on a cloud...ssshhhhhhh!!!

    Fishy!!! I've missed you (hugs). I understand if you're not fully back but it's good to "see" you just the same : )

    Yep, sure.

    Some might call it a labour of love.

    .Would'nt that make it hell, i have only JUST retired lol


    Con grats on the retirement, Lew

    CHEERS but in my 3rd year now, novelty wearing off lol

    I don't thinks it's a place or work, I think it's a place of giving and learning how to better give. Heaven is where Soul finally learns what God's love truly is and any "work" that might be done is spreading that love in different ways be it helping Souls still trying to understand and perhaps even being a guardian angle to the living. My opinion only. I guess we'll all know the answer when we get there. 


    Why don`t we erradicate all the "dole bludgers" and send them there now, save on social security pay outs.
    They have all the experience needed.

    I am all right I have a "Bus Pass free from our first Minister How far is this place?

    "HELL I wont done enough on Earth!!


    So you say Dowsa.

    You do "believe "ME" old friend Was a Stoker Got "Fired!! not going Fast ENOUGH!!The Devil is a hard task "Master!!

    Have you never had a job you loved? That you work on with others and it is more,  like delightful play than work and the results magnificent and the accolades wonderfully appreciated…and you feel so proud of the work you did collectively with others and look forward to your next collaborative effort with all those wonderful talented people you truly love and admire….did that answer your question?


    Once...and it was fun to go to work!

    absolutely. On the New Earth, we’re told “his servants will serve Him,” (Rev. 21:3). Then we’re told “they will reign forever and ever” (Rev. 21:5). servants work and rulers work. But it will be work that is restful, work without the more like that done by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

    wouldn't be much like heaven to me if I had to work,

    I don't think so but it will also depend on your definition of work and what heaven will you be in ...

    You have to attend 8 hours per day harp playing lessons. The rest of the day you can get drunk.

    Only if that is your idea of heaven.

    "" Dunno, but I'm takin' me computer with me.

    Spoke to the Big Guy recently and he assured me, the Bud is on ice, the temperature is a constant 72F, and any physical work is strictly forbidden. 


    Hmmmm, and I wouldn't have a celiac problem up there as I would not have the body parts... I will bring the snacks!

    I would think it like a large concert everyone play harmoniously ,


    I hope that we can all get along then!!!

    I think we will,except we won't call it work, more like pleasantly doing the will of God , LOVE.


    There is plenty of deadwood in the office I work in now. Can't possibly imagine a roomful of 'em.


    Do you work in a government office Digger?
    That is so strange. I thought you are a "running the show" kind of guy.

    No, I'm in the private sector. I manage a sales and marketing group which is free of any deadwood.(wink,wink) Those are found in accounting and purchasing;-)
    "Running the show" kind of guy,huh? Hmmm,I kind of like that moniker. Thanks...I think.

    I thought you had your own company. Maybe that is in your future.

    I hear God's a very generous employer; will probably pay you triple time.

    Yes, based upon your stewardship with what you were entrusted with here on earth.

    Revelation 5:10 reads: “and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.”

    According to these words, those who go to heaven will rule as kings over the earth with Christ and have the enjoyable work of transforming the earth so that God’s will shall be done here on earth, as it is in heaven as Jesus taught us to pray in the Lord’s prayer. (Matthew 6:9, 10) Once God’s will for the earth is accomplished, Revelation 21:3, 4 will be fulfilled where it reads: “With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them. And they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. 5 And the one seated on the throne said: “Look! I am making all things new. Also, he says: “Write, because these words are faithful and true.”

    I believe we will have jobs to do, but it will be a joy to do them.........

    With the best boss ever.

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