    Will the kids of the future ever change?Are kids always going to act like what a be to fit in?Are kids still wanting to be in gangs to feel wanted because they think that their parents don't love them because they get punished?


    +4  Views: 260 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Ever since the time of Plato, people have been asking the same questions.

    Deleted User

    Its Elvis all his fault :P

    Probably not a whole lot of change.  However, I hope they are smart enough to understand and appreciate what their parents are trying to do for them.


    Children are conditioned by there parents, we generation X are the ones whom were beaten by our parents smacked for being bad , our generation decided we would not treat our children the same so they do not understand consequences the way we were taugh.

    At school I got the cane for stealing a skipping rope, my mother would only have to say "wait until your father gets home" and we would shudder in fear.

    My partner is a teacher and they have no way of controlling children, they climb out windows, when I was at school there were punishments for such behaviour. Now days children laugh and have no respect for authority figures like the police or their parents.

    The generation of technology we don't allow children to be bored anymore , remember school holidays "I'm bored" , your mum would send you outside and you would build something or have a game of cricket with the kids in your street.

    I think it's lovely to see a polite child you do not see many but there are some out there :)



    So when did corporal punishment end in Oz? I am amazed that girls were caned, I thought that ended in Victorian times.
    Deleted User

    They stopped caning in 1980 something..
    Last man executed 3 February 1967.

    We use to get the metre ruler even, there was no gender issue at the school I attended, you did something that was punishable they were nice enough to use a wooden made things.

    I can't imagine what it would be like to be punished severely as a child. I feel really sorry for kids who get hit, etc. That feeling of helplesnes could cause them to want to bond with a powerful gang. They might feel that their gang members were "family" They could feel love. They could learn to be as punishing as their parents in a gang. There are so many reasons. I lived in a town where there were many gangs and shootings. It wasn't safe anywhere. Such a terrible problem.

    I wish I could have given you a better answer. I hope things will change. 

    Study History, this has been an age old issue for hundreds of years, nay, thousand or so.....

    Kids probably get into gangs for respect and to respect others associated in that gang. The violent ones usually end up dead or in prison. The others go about commiting petty crimes and end up in probation. They dont get the chance to live a good life and end up voting for obama.

    Simple answer, don't have kids, the world population is too high.

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