4 Answers
If you are in school, I think uniforms are important, besides, it looks nice when everyone is dressed the same. They look neat and tidy. When there are no uniforms, some kids will wear rags to school and other things which are not appropriate for a student.
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
In Australia, the teachers are smartly dressed and the students wear uniforms.
I believe uniforms make for in the parlance of today "a level playing field" Whether you are from a well to do or not so well to do you have less distinction between the students.
I have long thought that a national uniform for the State schools is a good idea in as much if you move to a different location you still have the uniform so no new expense.
A "School" badge could be attached using velcro so there is only the need for new "patches".
I would like to think a National uniform would be in national colours.
In the case of Australia, green and gold.
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |