Not one bit. The afghans say death to america, then burn what resembles an american flag, But somebody burn a koran , they will get uptight. They are a third world country . I wont waste my time , effort, or money buying a koran to destroy, because i dont give a darn about their religion. They can have their sharia law there , but not here.
10 Answers
Why lower yourself? Acts of hatred doesn't do any one any good. I would never destroy a book of faith... there could be a pearl of wisdom inside.
Just a thought.
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
If they burn something 'that resembles the american flag' (your words) then the equal would to burn something that resembles the afghan flag..not burning the Koran!!!! And they shouldn't be burning/ destroying anything on a Military base!!!! I'll say that again..Nothing should be burned/destroyed on a Military Base!!!! Look sometimes when people taunt you standing firm and doing nothing to retaliate is the Best Answer!!!!!
Our Military needs to 'get it together'....Uninating on corpses and burning thier sacred book is wrong.
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Do you really think world peace will ever exist if you do respect others views?
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I must agree-- I don't like the fact but what goes around comes around.. as far as urinating on corpses, This is wrong too but it pales in comparison to them whacking off the head of Daniel Pearl and others.. Liberals, please get a grip here, these are your enemies too, they care less about your 'do-good' feelings and your 'respect', they want you dead too! How many punches in the face does it take for you to want to fight back and preserve what you love?? How many??
Forget about what soldiers peed on dead bodies, think about the many thousands that fought for you to say these 'do-good' things, we will have a bad apple in every bushel, lets concentrate on the good apples, not the bad..
No, I do not care that they peed on the corpse of those that want to whack off my children's heads, I do not feel badly because they burned a koran as opposed to them burning down a barracks with 40 soldier in it. Or, flying commercial airliners into buildings killing over 3,000 innocents.. These are bad people, learn this, understand this and maybe we will all survive.
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
(I looked at your profile-- yes I am older than you..)
I wouldn't purposely burn a Koran, just out of respecting someone elses religion. But, perhaps more importantly, the U.S. doesn't need to be interpreted as having launched a war against all muslims, when very soon our hand might be forced to retaliate against Iran, which sits in the middle of region primarily populated by muslims.
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Our soldiers schould not be in that Hell Hole of Afghanistan. That was and is a big mistake. Our military is totally stressed out and worn out. It a dangerous place to be and burning a Koran shows theire frustration. Nobody can be rational in surroundings like Afghanistan. I dont really blame our soldiers for doing what they did.
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Burning the Koran out of spite, no. When messages are being sent through them from one inmate to the other, yes. Does anyone know if the Muslims ever returned the heads of the innocent people they decapitated to the US for burial? Can anyone tell me where I can get a copy of the film of the six marines they hung upside down on a bridge and set them on fire, only later to be thrown on a garbage pile on the outskirts of the city to be feasted on by wild dogs,I know the tape exists because it was shown on "Algazerra" Muslim TV.. It will remind me that I'm just to critical towards Islam. "Their human too". We should all get along, right. WRONG.
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
remember, its the radical koran worshipers that want all americans dead.
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |