    Accenture golf tournament, Tucson, AZ

    How much are tickets for Walter Hagan Club at Accenture Golf, Tucson, AZ


    0  Views: 1318 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: golf

    1 Answer

    February 20, 2012 through February 26, 2012

    How do I get tickets for World Golf Championships-Accenture Match Play Championship and how much are they?

    You can order tickets online or by phone at 520-571-0400.

    Advance ticket prices in 2012 are:
    Monday, Tuesday Practice Round: $25 each day
    Wednesday, Thursday Friday: $45 each day
    Saturday, Sunday: $35 each day
    Weekly Package: $125

    Tickets are $10 more at the gate. Children 18 and under are admitted free when accompanied by a ticketed adult (one child per person). Complimentary tickets are available through Birdies for the Brave for all active, retired and reserve military and their dependents. New this year, veterans may purchase discounted tickets through the Veterans Advantage program for just $20. A valid military I.D. will be required at the gate for admission. You can purchase pairing sheets once you are inside the gate. 


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