    I was born in Texas ,left when I was 5 leaveing behind a wife and three kids ,traveled with the circus to California where I spent the next 3 years in the third grade .Got married again 4 more kids ,ended up as defendant on Judge Judy . Is there any hope of me getting my life straight so I can run for congress?

    +6  Views: 1111 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    Respectfully Emperor Bluesman 1951... Thanks for the question. You are on a roll.
    I would like to ask you, "Who are the protected ones?"

    Those are the ones that we must walk around and bow less they be offended .The great exalted ones where we must hold our words and speak in hushed tones . The ones who get you fired from net work TV when your mouth gets ahead of your brain .

    Happy days Bill, happy days.

    Oooohhhhhh. Thank goodness I don't work for network TV... that is what happened to the Scud Stud.... Arthur Kent.

    Your Royal Majesty great exhaled one : Fishlet I am honoured to accept the rank you have bestowed on me . In keeping with my new rank and station I will no longer be passing gas in public and I will endevor to refrain from using WACK JOB when speaking in public . You have my solemn word on this .

    Very funny answer.Bluesman1951

    19 Answers

    Lets see 3 kids and a wife and a departure by the age of 5(of course you left, that is way too much resposibility for a kindergarten student). Travelled with the circus for three year while being in third grade all three years( of course you travelled with the circus! What 5-8 year old wouldn't?  It is simply not your fault that the circus animals continually ate your homework!). Remarried at 9yrs old, had 4 more kids, and settled a dispute with the Crazy Judge Judy (listen, where else could you go-no teen has the money for an attourney and court costs! and Judge Joe Brown wasn't local. So now, after graduating Elementary shcool and turning 21 you want to run for Senator.  It is totally logical!!! And I will help you win!!!


    Now that's first class !!!!! Am still laughing !!!! Forgot to mention the double wide and the three times I was on Jerry Springer .

    I can make that seem reasonable! we'll talk about those details when we meet!!!! :)

    You are wickedly clever!

    Thanks bluesman and Daisy: I could be a spin doctor! LOL! But the Animals take up so much time. But for OUR Bluesman I will gladly be his sin doctor-pro bono!! After all his job at Walmart and pet sitting (Yes you have cared for my pets for years!) doesn't pay all that well!

    Of course you can.... work your way up through the ranks of either Dow Chemical or  Monsanto.  Become a director of a department then add a few more letters behind your name and presto chango you can then run for congress.  Truly, you have time by the sounds of this you are only 23... plenty of time.

    Left when you was 5 and allready married with kids, they sure mature young in texas


    Wanted to see how long it would take someone to catch that. You are the first ,Congrats !!!!

    I reckon the others who did spot it are just being polite. cheers

     What's going on Bluesman? You are scaring me!


    Coleen 404 me about something I said . Just having a little fun with words . Proving you can say a bunch if you phrase it well. No Iam not drinking !!!! Just havin fun !!!!

    Its a little confusing Bill. Get a grip/


    Read again slower ,take one line at a time ,nothing is possible its humour.

    What a relief.I thought you lost your marbles, silly.

    We are a tourist state ,we get asked "where are you from all the time " So saying this sincerely with a straight face gets a lot of laughs . Some times it helps to include stuff about trailers and Jerry Springer . Headless man thought I was serious ,very FUNNY !!!!!!!!

    Put the Scotch down. Take a nap.


    And exercise in seeing who reads the questions .Yes sir Ill be havin a drink dont mind if I do .

    I'll join ya Bill!

    With that training you should fit right with

    Sure, why not?


    bluesman, You just reminded me of Jerry Springer, miss his show on TV.

    Good humor, Blues, love it


    Thanks !!!!

    Just add to that you married your cousin, and your dog got ran over by a train and you can make it in Texas, lol.


    LOL !!!! True ,but the girls with two names make up for all that . Betty Sue , Mary Ann . Trouble is some of those women chew tobacco. Their daddies are good shots and the dogs run real fast .

    Sounds like you've heard of those shotgun weddings out there in Texas. The good thing is that chewing tobacco causes tooth loss so in a few years your wife will have dentures, lol.

    leaving your 1st family at 5 .Getting married again at approximately 9 leaving again, you've at least another 60 yrs to get things straight even repopulate the world and do great things

    "" Wow, sex at two! I have plenty to look forward to in life.

    Most of the people appearing in Judge Judy's court are brain dead. Oh, now I see, you were one of the strange ones too.


    Is this bluesman as child, not surprised, at five, already had wife and kids. Hope kids dont look like their dad. lol

    In USA any clown can run for anything and lots of them (maybe too many) do get elected. You too can try... 

    If you can get the same kind of american idols that voted for obama to vote for you, yes. That kind of crowd votes not with an intelligent decision, but with lack of morals and intelligence . They want something for nothing. Yes it is possible.

    I am surprised that you are not congressional representatives already. They need all the help they can get in stealing the taxpayers money. Think Green jobs and run already.

    Shoot run for President, because anybody that voted for the BUSH'S would surely vote you in, I even thought they were going to vote Bin Laden in until, I heard Obama permitted the US SEALS to take him out.


    I don't see why not, you sound pretty much like the average politician.


    Thank you !!!! My campaign starts when I am released from rehab .

    The first part of  your question, is bit strange, or did you start out  very young ?    Born in Texas, left when you were 5, leaving behind a wife and three kids ????   God help Judge Judy. !!!!!

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