    Should the draft be reinstated?

    I think it should. Those 18 should serve a minimum of two years. The direction which in reality, is NO direction that the young people today are going, will create a spineless self serving socialist society. I have seen hoodlums go into the service and come out men with morals and a love for their country. I always regretted not being allowed to serve due to a medical deferment.

    +3  Views: 721 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    Yes. It would teach them dicipline, responsibily and respect for law. Most young people these days have neither. They aimelessly drift through life without a direction.

    The military definitely gives a person character. Are you in favor of just men, or do we include the women also? Today it is very easy to get out of the military where before it resulted in less than an honorable discharge. Do we close those gaps also? 

    ed shank

    Of coarse, There are just as many ill mannered, morally devoid women out there. I'm afraid the pregnancy rate would skyrocket so as not to be drafted.

    Yhat's righ all of the american service women got knocked up while serving in the middle east...Ed ur' nuts! (love ya)
    ed shank

    Doolittle, They volunteered to go in. A draft would not endear the majority of young women out there today into the military. Your nutty buddy, ED

    I think it should be reinststed or try to get out of afganistan. these people have more a chance to be hurt wiyh increased  tours of duty.

    ed shank

    I totally agree.


    What can I say , Ed, Flip, Ann  all great opinions.  I  asked that ques. last yr. some time and also got great feed back.  Personally I think   (reinstating the draft) would send all the young worthless think the world owes them a living  crybabies into a frenzy. Just Sayin

    YES, all young Americans should serve at least two years in the armed forces.

    Worst thing they ever did was abolish the draft.

    EVERYONE should burden the costs and sacrifices of our nations wars.

    Yes i agree it should be reinstated, personally i never served , but now wish i did, without doubt you can tell a person who served just by their demeanor as well as their character, I know in some countries it's mandatory to to join the service when you'r fresh out of high school so why not the usa, i think it would put a lot of misguided souls on the right track towards what' s morally right as well as give them a vocation they can use for the rest of their lives...

    I always regretted not being allowed to serve due to a medical deferment also.

    Yes, if not in the Military then in border control or emergency clean up and aid, would build character.

    Thats right all,   two yrs is a small price to pay to ensure all americans our  freedom. I did my time  like many of you. 68-70

    The US military has said that there is no need for the draft as they get enough volunteers. Due to Obama's budget cuts, the military is set to be downsized. There will be no room for any more service people whether they be by volunteer or the draft.


    The draft should be reinstated for both young men and women.

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