    If christinanity is the worship of God,and named for his Son, Jesus Christ: what religion was Christ born into?? His parents were Jews surely?

    +2  Views: 2803 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: religion

    17 Answers

    Jesus was born a Jew, lived a Jew and died a Jew. Christianity as a religion did not start until a geneation or so after Jesus' death. As to whether He wanted to start a new religion of simply clean up Judaism, the jury, (as opposed to the Jewry) , is still out..

    Christ was born jewish...

    Jesus was born a Jew, lived as a Jew, and died a Jew........Jesus was a Jew.........

    Jesus was a Jew.  Christianity is not the religion of Jesus.  Its the religion about Jesus.

    I think you can believe these good people.  Jesus was born, lived, and died a Jew. 

    I'm not 100% sure, but I assume Jewish also.

    Jesus was born into Mosaic religion.



    The religion established by Moses.

    sorry, but what ismosaic religion

    His own. 


    dude, Jesus was raised as a jew

    Jesus did not have a last name of Christ. He was Jesus, a Christ - or anointed one. He was born a Jew, practiced as a Jew, died a Jew and the final part that everyone seems to forget was that he was buried as a Jew.


    so did Jesus have a last name? I suppose he had the same surname as Mary & Joseph??

    Dacia, I've wondered about this also. Does the bible state a last name for Jesus? I only know that it wasn't Christ.

    Of Nazareth... Commoners at the time did not have last names.. they were identified by were their parents birth place. (tribe).

    Jenn, Thanks.

    Jesus did not have a second name. In New Testament, the angel Gabriel told Mary to name her child Jesus, and in Matthew 1:21 and angel tells Joseph to name the child Jesus. You are to give him name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins, associates , attributes to the name Jesus in Christian theology

    Jesus came from a Jewish family, goes back to King David. He grew as one; but when he began his ministry he saw that many of the things done by that "Religion" were not what God wanted, he than began teaching about where the Kingdom of God is, to love thy neigbour as thy self, do not become hanged on rituals, forgive others, do unto others. All that did not fit well with the Council in Jerusalem, he became a threat in the way they, the Council, kept the people subjected to their will, more than to God's will. Jesus was not about Religion he was about faith, faith in action. Hard to do. It cost him persecution....and the rest is History.

    As many have already answered, Jesus of Nazareth, son of Joseph was born in Israel (Bethlehem Judah) to Jewish parents. He actualy answered your question concerning His religion Himself. "I did not come to abolish the Law and the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill" (Mathew 5:17).  He was born into the Levitical system that was instituted by Moses under the Lord's direction. He fulfilled the requrements of that sysyem by His active perfect obediance to the Law (even the spirit of the Law). And he met the requirements of the perfect sacrifice for sin by His passive obediance in going to the cross.

    He did in fact establish a new phase of Judaism , a new religion as it were, to replace the one that He had completed. "I will build My Church; and the gates of Hell shall not overcome it" (Mathew 16:18). 


    Hi. Is the question about his name, or is it a question about his race? If it is a question of whether he was a jew, yes, from what we see, and his own race betrayed him, and his own race presently awaits the coming of the saviour, so they do not concede that he is what he says he is, so he is ostracized and unaccepted by his own kind. I guess there was nothing in those days called "immigration" where you could adopt another country as your own!.


    Judism is not a race. It is a religion; and some people might say it is a culture.

    if ,we are the children of god , jesus where the son of god,is it than importent what,religion he had,he wanted to teach equeally,and love

    through genealogy we can trace the lineage of  Jesus , "Joshua," meaning Jehovah is salvation.  according to scriptures the messiah lineage goes back to Adam,does that mean Adam was a  hebrew. What came first the chicken or the egg?  Are all hebrews jewish,or are all  jewish people hebrew?

    You have to remember that the Jews are Gods people,,and everyone that is not a Jew is a Gentile,the Jews had Jesus Crucified,there a quite a few reasons why the Crucifixion had to happen,the Jews had a tabernacle with a curtain in front of it,and only the big Jewish boys were aloud in to talk to God,,on the day of the Crucifixion as Jesus died,the curtain was ripped asunder,allowing all who wanted to, to speak with God through the name of Jesus,,Jews and Gentile alike,,..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    I was told that Jesus was born a jew and then was baptized by john into Catholisicm. And Jesus then spoke of the son of god and salvation with him. And many of the laws of course are still in place, but we have now been told to worship God threw Jesus. and this of course is why Jesus had then said to us that "no man will see the father, unless it is threw him". I'm a little suprised actually and I thought this was all fairly clear.


    Taj, Catholicism did not begin till generations after Jesus's death.

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