    What qualities do yo look for when choosing a leader/president etc. ?

    Does morality count, do you want them to be in a particular party only?

    +4  Views: 1524 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    Christian Caucasian, knows his/ her history and be able to count 1+ 1, - morality goes out the door when they enter The White House, the den of iniquity. lol.

    We had one with high moral standards in Carter, and one with great speaking ability in Obama. How did they work for you?? Give me strength, fairness, and honesty.

    Someone who solves problems with diplomacy, rather than wars. No lawyer. Morality is important for the president to be respected. No more Obama.

    ed shank

    Ann. I believe that having the military power to maintain our standing in the world is what will keep us from becoming a second rate nation. Nobody except the insane wants war, but military action has to be an option. Sanctions have not worked through the UN up until now, and will not work in the future. Humans only understand one thing, the ability to kill and cripple.

    Someone with this countries best interest in mind, Someone willing to let the rest of the planet know, if you f*** with us we will find you and kill you. Peace loving Presidents don't work. Hence, Jimmy Carter. Ron Paul will have us bowing down to the rest of the world either because they bankrolled our country, or the sand fleas that control how much YOU will pay for food because of the price of oil. We need a real AMERICAN SOB to flip the bird at them all. Morality is for society and religion. It doesn't work in government.


    Excellent Ed, we might have to put you into office.?

    I'd just like to have someone with balls--or overies enough to stand up for the majority and not cater to the whiners and pouters. Simply put, someone that will stand for democracy amongst all and powerful enough to fend off our foes. I don't care if he/she is Christian, Jew, Morman or Islamic as long as they keep their religious beliefs away from decisive goverenment doings. (lack of another word).  Sexual preferences also, keep it to themselves. a president IMO should be a believer in the people, not into it for political gains, the presidency is not a popularity contest nor is it a commodity that needs the marketing genius of some wealthy entrepreneur that sees only benefits for themselves and are willing to buy it.

    I guess this  is asking too much.  so i guess we will get Obama again here in the US :( 



    Great answer Vinny thanks.

    At least 50% black. We have had no black men before Obama. No American Indians, No women presidents. White rule must end….look at what it has cost the world. 


    Come on, Robert. Affirmative action for the Oval Office? The last thing you want to do is limit your pool. Let the best person win.

    I agree, but we are controlling the size of the pool by the selection process and the limitations of gaining those credentials. Bias is more than skin deep it is also necessary to prove you were baked in the same kitchen. Gravity rules except in office. I can’t buy stock before awarding a billion dollar contract and stay out of jail. Pardon the dirt but thats just a little part. Too much obvious dirt and they all go bye-bye. Obviation is what is happening here everyday…the saps are wising up…the saps are wising up.

    A leader and an honest person that we can trust his judgement, more than likely a republican but not always.

    @Ed shank.  Military bravado may be a vote-getter but you seem to think that it, and only it, will turn things around for the better. Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan- How successful have those missions been for America ? Billions upon billions spend and for what ? Mission accomplished ?

    I supported the Iraq invasion when it was fraudulently sold to me by Colin Powell. The poor sucker had satellite pictures delivered by the beloved and trustworthy CIA, showing "irrefutable evidence" of weapons of mass destruction factories and installations. Remember that Bu**Sh*t, Ed ?

    I don't take kindly to being taken for a fool. Many gullible, flag-waving patriots have been all-too-willing to forgive this treasonous act of hostility towards a sovereign nation and against America itself.

    Party partisanship intoxicates otherwise reasonable-minded people and transforms them into sheep that will support,defend and follow deceitful leadership right off a cliff. To his credit, Powell deserted his team of crooks, led by Cheney, Bush Sr,( yes Sr,not W) and did the honorable thing. Quit for being taken.


    I did not support the Iraq invasion…. only the Saddam offing. His kids involved in public target practice also. When George invaded to look for nukes, I said the only nukes he could find would be if he took one with him…so…zip. Obama ended the 50’s era policy for perpetual war thank God for that. Osama,Bush and Chaney were Ilumenata tools. I like Obama as president for another four. Maybe he will boost the diplomatic corps and pull other countries into a more agreeable union without endless debates.

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