25 Answers
I use sign language for that. Nothing verbal. Look into their eyes, expressionless, flip an indexing out to catch their attention then to the bottom of my zipper and along the zipper to the top and point toward that area on them. It’s very brief and easy to convey the message and not say a word. They always "get it” and not a word is spoken that can be overheard embarrassingly.
Gestures and the thought of an appropriate, simple word go together. Practice in front of a mirror to get it right….how others see your gestures. Play pantomime.
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Yes. Have done it a few times in my life. I just come right out and say, "Your fly is open. Zip up please." : )
13 years ago. Rating: 20 | |

of course not, I wouldn't spoil a woman's curiosity.
13 years ago. Rating: 17 | |

I can think of three times when it was women with their jeans unzipped, and for some reason in each instance they didn't have panties on. In each instance I didn't say anything, as it was an awkward position to find myself in. But, all three caught on fast, as they must of saw the surprised look on my face. One of them was a dark-skinned black woman, and up until that point in my life...believe it or not, I honestly didn't know a blush would be that detectable. But, it was, and then it was a really awkward moment for awhile.
13 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
I see nothing wrong with helping a fellow human being out in times of need. Yes!
'Excuse me sir but your horse is about to leave its stable.."
I have done it a few times, it always gets a laugh and a thank you.. Humor will always soften the blow of embarrassment.
and I have been told on occasion my fly was open too! :) Any guy that says it never happened to him is lying..
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
This reminds me of a joke: Mr. Levy sees Mrs. Schwartz at synagogue Friday night. She sees his zipper is open, but tells him that his "business" is open. He just shrugs it off. She tells him again. He says " I'm sure I closed up. Even my co-workers were there with me." She says angrily, "I'm telling you for the last time, your 'business' is open!" He yells at her, "Leave me alone, you're nuts!" Later on, he looks down at his pants and realizes what she so tactfully was trying to explain. He apologizes profusely. Lastly, he says to her, "Do you mind if I ask you a question?" She says "no". "Okay; while my business was open, was my 'salesman' in or out?"
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
My Gods yes! I take every opportunity to interact with men in public at the most humorous levels and this would be one of those...the one-liners could go on and on...y'know like "hey mister I see you're selling hotdogs today!" or perhaps more subtle like "hey Tony...how's the pepperoni hangin'?" and then there's the old standby where you shuffle up and quietly ask "what do birds do?" and he says"Fly" and you say "Well,yours is undone!"Peace.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |