    why would a kitten you have had for 3 weeks using the litter box start peeing every where else?

    +2  Views: 983 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    If  the box is dirty, they will stop using it. You must clean it out frequently.

     The kitten may have an UTI.


    Yes possibly..but usually they have difficulty/dysuria peeing if that`s the case..and appear very agitated..more common in males and treatment IS VITAL Cystitis is a potential killer if not treated by anti inflammatory meds and antibiotics!

    If you have other cats, the kitten needs his own litterbox and needs it to be very clean and in a quiet place.

    I agree with Ann.   They enjoy cleanliness and privacy just like their parents.

    A clean litter box is a must have, and it should be place in a private place. Cats will not use a dirty litter box. 

    The kitten can be ill, the cat box is dirty, or you live in clutter and the kitty is confused. I'd take the kitten to the vet.

    Cats communicate through scent via urine,they also mark their territory with urine.I dont know at what age they start to do thisbut it is something you will have to get used to.

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