    Can I seller of a product that has a Manufacturers granted warranty charge for the warranty as a separate item? Conversely, can a seller reduce the price of the product in consideration of removing the factory granted warranty?

    0  Views: 190 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    In a word.......nope

    Generally No!  Many Manufactures warranties, like those on vehicles, are actually to the franchised DEALERS, of that product, NOT the customer as many believe.   The purchaser covered under that warranty has noting to do with the warranty.

    If however one PURCHASED a warranty, you may or may not TRANSFER OR SELL that warranty, depending on the condition listed in the particular warranty.

    Many types of warranies are VOIDED when  the ORIGINAL purcaser no longer owns the product, as well.

    Therefore the correct answer to your question is it all depend on the warranty language, as to rights of the owner, as the whether one can do as you ask.

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