    How to get a job nowdays: (1) If they ask you if you have commonsense answer no they will hire you; (2) if they ask you if you have good work ethics answer no they will hire you; (3) if they ask you can you count to 10 without taking your shoes off answer no, they will hire you.

    +1  Views: 822 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    I'll keep this in mind, I'm needing a job..........

    No wonder i'm laid off and can't find a job this should help out ..thanks..

    Not where I work, candidates sit a series of panel interviews, are given scenario's to which they must answer correctly and if they get that far have to wait for a police check to be done, if they have a clean record they are then considered for employment on a probational 12 month period, and incidentally the pay's not all that good either!

    pay the regular worker enaugh money , so they can survive, not evrybody is blessed,with becoming a brain surgend,  germany used to be a good exemple,

    Just look at the interviewer. Dumb as dirt, an egomaniac, probably 30 ish. Thinks he invented AIR. If your not ass kissing material, you will not get hired. So, develop a taste for s***, or stay unemployed. If your asked to return more than two times, tell them to piss off. This is generally an indicator to see how desperate you are and for how little you'll work for. Times have changed, there was a time that you actually were hired on skill, character, worth. Young people, my heart goes out to you.

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