Rumple stikskin is a caracter from a film get real guys because if you dont know that it means your dumb.
2 Answers
Rumpelstiltskin is the eponymous character and antagonist of a fairy tale which originated in Germany (where he is known as Rumpelstilzchen). The tale was collected by the Brothers Grimm, who first published it in the 1812 edition of Children's and Household Tales. It was subsequently revised in later editions.
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

You might want to read Country Bumpkin's answer, as that is a precisely correct answer, of which yours isn't! In the film, they based their character upon the one in the story, and have in many films to varying degrees. You might want to work on your spelling a little before you go inferring a group of people might be dumb...the level of it doesn't exactly make you look like the sharpest pencil in the drawer! LOL!!!
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |