4 Answers
I believe this is called money laundering and is illegal at least here in the USA .What would I do ??? Dont rightly know as I could use the 200.00. You are most likely going to end up holding a empty bag .One day the money orders will not pass and you will be paying the bank . This dont pass the smell test so walk away is my advice . Sounds like a set up to me ! Soon the game will change and you will be asked to do more thats when they get you . I would call this a scam .
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
When something sounds too good to be true___________________________
No doubt about it, you will be on the hook for the money. I don't know of any email police who can help you either.
The only out that I can think of is by what means did you transfer the money out of the country. There may be an agency that will pursue a fraudulant transaction
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I believe that you are into a scam. Most, maybe not all, but definitely, most, "Mystery Shopper positions" are a scam!!! I would speak with your local police who will often put out a public warning against the company. (Too late to help you but perhaps someone else will avoid the trap.)
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
How did you receive the money orders, ? The only reason Im asking you, that these scams go to any length to get you account number, any personal information. Nothing for nothing, if it sounds to good to be true, guess it is, keep clear.