    Please dont ask stupid questions here, if you dont know the answer just google them!!!

    Lots of stupid questions can be just googled and find the right answers, I wish people would more serouis questions!!!

    +6  Views: 1174 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    10 Answers

    Well, at least some of you guys entertained by them ,LOL
    Daren1 thats good one about conspiracy to keep our Colleen busy ;-)

    I get a good chuckle at many of the comments from the members here. Funny sarcastic but not really meant to hurt feelings. That's what I mean by having fun with some questions we simply can not answer.
    we thought it was a conspairacy just to keep colleen busy

    I knew it! Are you the instigator of the plan? LOL

    Say what?


    Questions like: What is Facebook? or how do I get my yahoo mail? and ect.................?

    I have to agree with you on this Andrew. People may not know what Google is but they somehow managed to navigate through this site which I would assume is a lot more difficult. I do understand bypassing them Colleen, but there's just so darn many! :p

    i am moving from one computer to a new one. i'm sooooo lost. i can't find the difference between google and gargle. i can't find my e-mail anymore. ok, so if i ask one of "those" questions, i beg forgiveness. uh, what time is it?

    A lot of people have no clue how to google. If you think the question is too silly just bypass it. Someone else will answer it or it will get buried under more challenging questions : ) (Breathe Andrew, lol)
    I have seen sites that had a little QA to check a persons qualifications to get on...Like how long have you been using your present OS? and other questions that serve as a filter. Such a filter can be established throughout the Net for access based on experience as qualifying. The filtering method of access is somewhat similar to what we have here to qualify for various "Powers" within AKAQA. I like that and I like to be Smacked down when I'M wrong or out of line. Law and order is necessary for any culture and having a path of progress and is a lot better than being clueless about "what were you thinking?"
    What gets me in some think this is the site to anything, like where is my love, or am I pretty, can you give me my refund. There are just made up examples but the real ones are just as strange.

    sometimes it's fun to answer those -- just occasionally. there's a song from Alphie. it goes, where ere ere is love? is it in the stars above? now, randy pass me my refund!
    Headless Man

    LOL LOL funny.
    I have to agree with you on this Andrew. People may not know what Google is but they somehow managed to navigate through this site which I would assume is a lot more difficult. I do understand bypassing them Colleen, but there's just so darn many! :p (sorry for the double comment, can't delete them though)
    They are working on a new question control for this site. It will filter many questions to already asked questions so posters can see the answers that have already been given. As for the "silly" questions, there's not much that can be done about them other than to ignore them or have fun with them (in a playful manner,mild teasing not in a mean way, like "you're stupid")...just have fun. :) We are striving to keep the site free of children and teens who wish only to use the forum as a playground. There's no way to really block them as kids can lie about their age so they can be here as long as they do not cause mischief, drama or post sex questions. Basic rule however is this should be a kid free zone due to some of the adult content here.

    yep colleen, it's the kids that bother me. but there's places that can be soooo much worse maybe i need to find another worry. I LOVE THIS PLACE.

    Does this mean no more Justin Bieber questions?? I been studying up on the Beiber stuff.. I think I can handle it now.. LOL

    No, it doesn't mean no more JB questions (unfortunately) What I do now is post his fan site link in the question and direct them there. Justin's fan site > save it to a notepad or something so it's handy for you to copy/paste into any JB questions ; )

    Hey that's a worry.I use this site as a playground!
    There is no such thing as a stupid question
    Questions are asked in order to gain knowledge about an item.

    Of course, asking something like "How much does a fart weigh" might be considered an ignorant thing, the person asking might be in a chemistry class and they're studying methane, and they may not be too computer literate.

    The question becomes "stupid" when someone is going out of their way to be rude, immature and ignorant.

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