    I have spasmodic pain in my thigh, what causes this?

    +1  Views: 498 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Muscle spams possibly due to a muscle strain or pull. See a doctor.

    Yes, it could also be a lack of Potassium in your diet.



    This is true. Good thinking! Eat a banana a day!

    Low  potassium can cause the symptom..   If the pain is sometimes sharp;       By experience, whenever I have a  pain in my legs, on down, I have joints in my spine out of wack.  Professional adjustments usually do the trick although it may take a 1 or 2 days to heal.  Now to relieve slight discomforts I bend over as far as I can without using any muscle, let my arms hang loosely straight  down, hold for 30 seconds.  Sometimes I feel the joints pop slightly.  To straighten up you should keep your arm loose at your sides and slightly behind you.   DON'T  put your hands over your head, keeping arm rigid,  bend to touch your toes and come back up with arms still outstretched.   Bad thing to do if you have back problems.  Also can cause back problem. 

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