    Is it, just me or have others noticed that the escalating price of gasoline in no longer a big news item? When Bush was President, every time gasoline went up 2C a week it was the lead story on the nightly news shows and on the front page of leading newspapers. Now it goes up five or ten cents a week and it is barley mentioned in the major media.

    +4  Views: 483 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Election Year. We are told, the economy is improving, when in reality it is not.. The liberal Media wants Obama reelected.


    You got that right sister, the numbers were fudged. One million people dropped out of the work force and just gave up looking for jobs.

    Thats because of our liberal media, they don't want people to notice how Obama is screwing up everything.

    Me too Jack...

    Only good or made up good news is aloud if you want to keep your job in the liberal media. The elites make the world go around. If you loved to brag and had a big ego, would you not like to brag that, you have lots of money in a place that had little money rather than brag you are rich but live in a country that has many rich people in it. Which makes you sound better?

    May be your govt, think you are stupid and not notice, believe me you are not alone.

    Iran has just announced that it will not sell oil to six European countries. Wait, this is war material. The Isrealis HAVE TO bomb this regime out of existance. And the rest of the planet has to support them.


    Well, geez, if that's not enough to p--s you off, then what the hell is?

    Well, geez, if that's not enough to p--s you off, then what the hell is?
    ed shank

    Chain, Not sure what your comment is saying. Assuming you disagree I suggest a little less time on liberal TV.

    Oh no, another one of the sheep have left the flock. Be careful they know who you are and that you have become aware. LOL.

    No,  it's definitely not just you! But the media won't bash their golden liberal child Obama. Good point and good question thumbs up.


    The strangest thing happened when I left this answer... My internet went out, so yes they are watching us, lol.

    What are you all complaining about.You're paying about as much for a gallon as we do for a litre.



    You are right there Tommy, the motorist has been ripped off badly since the first gulf war, the govt. don't care as they are ripping billions in on the most taxed fuel on the planet.

    That's why I get my news from Fox News. I do listen to half an hour of NBC each day just to see what the biased side has to say. 

    It"s obviously not a political agenda, at the moment.  Damn scary, when you think about it.

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