    In what states is marijuana legal?

    +2  Views: 691 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    Don't be a fool.  Stay in school and loose this stupid thought.

    Legal or not....STAY AWAY FROM DRUGS!!!!!     Don't you ever watch the news?

    I believe California is the only state so far and that's only through a doctor. 


    Maine has a medicinal marijuana program.

    OK, so the east coast and the west coast are covered....

    Hmmm, Robert says it's legal in 16 states (medicinally).

    Weed, more dangerous than Obama.

    In an altered state.......

    Medical Marajauna is legal in 16 states and 17 more states that have bills drawn up that are pending passage.    

    Pot was made illegal in 1950 because black musicians were using it and my grandmother also. 



    I think marijuna schould be used for medical purposes only, and no one else. 

    Used as a medicine, it is perhaps one of the most effective ways to alleviate the nausea caused by chemotherapy available. I've seen it firsthand, and if you've ever had a loved one who was going through the hell of cancer and chemotherapy, you would look at marijuana in a whole different light. But, I also agree that people should refrain recreational drug use. However, on the other hand, it's no where near as destructive or dangerous as alcohol can be.

    Alcohol kills people in one way or another, every single day. If it doesn't kill someone directly, it's often played a major part in a very large number of deaths of victims of crimes, i.e.; someone gets drunk and they do something stupid that they otherwise wouldn't have...and some wake up not even knowing why they're sitting in a jail cell the next morning. If you don't believe me, just ask some cop what's involved in most of the calls where someone ends up getting arrested and hauled off to jail. You don't or won't find that with marijuana.

    What a lot of people overlook, is that the big alcohol manufacturers constantly brainwash people with their commercials, into thinking they can''t have a good time without drinking their products. If you don't believe me there...just take a good long look at who has their commercials running at every major sporting event on television. Well, it's at least something to think about. 


    "Artifical happiness" is all bad. :(

    The state of mind

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