3 Answers
Divide 1740 BY 3475 to find the percentage. Just by looking, I can tell you it will be just slightly more than 50% (1740 x 2 = 3480) The answer will be 0.5007. Round to .50 which is 50%
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
I suppose it depend on how the question was worded.Going back to my school days I would have had to give the exact answer of 50.071942%
Divide 3475 by 100 to give you 1% then divide 1740 by your answer
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
It is easier to just divide 1740 BY 3475. You will have less than 1, because 1 would be the whole 3475. Try it. The first two numbers to the right of the decimal place when you divide will be the percentage. You can round UP if the third number is 5 or greater.
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